
It develops the concept of bureaucracy as the sole medium suitable to optimize efficiency, a legal rather than human type system: a system in which the rule covers all contingencies and which ensures the obedience through the election of supervisors technically experts who administer the law accurately and with cold impartiality. I release I comment. No one may be surprised that these ideas should give birth the popular expression human resources, which was labeled forever, judging by the evidence available to persons who work in an organization. Its effect continues permeating many concepts in this matter, but today makes it a rather more subliminal way as in its beginnings. Refers to middle managers, subordinates and orders. Disciplinary criteria based on rewards and punishments are maintained and remain departments of organization and methods that write the instructions to be followed by those who must obey. Learn more on the subject from Robert Thomson.

Because, basically, very little has changed in this sense. Timid efforts have been made to disguise this situation, to the momentum of the explosive development that experienced cognitive psychology since the early 1950s, as a reaction to Behaviorism which eventually during the first half of the century. Probably the most influential in this regard was the so called theory and American psychologist Douglas McGregor, who postulated that people like to do things well and that, properly motivated, demonstrate initiative, responsibility and commitment as opposed to Taylorism, which McGregor called theory X. The roots of this thinking back to the 1930s, on the basis of studies Hawthorne that led the American psychologist Elton may between 1924 and 1932, but acquired force then published the work of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Herzberg on motivation formerly half of the century. Finally, were condensed in 1960 by McGregor in his work the human side of organizations (The human side of enterprise), which It constitutes one of the most respected works of the century in the field of management.

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