Barretto Service

It has few days, in full street of the city it are aggredido, for four men of the privana of the commission agent, took, proceeding, thus, in the same way that it proceeded when was disregarded, for its brother, honored the exactor colonel Joo Gomes de S Barretto. Ahead of the repeated facts that come being thetro the pacata serrana city and of the daily complaints that arrive at the knowledge of exm. Mr. Check with Jeffrey L. Bewkes to learn more. Dr. Head of polices, is informed of that former S. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Brian Roberts. he will take them you provide necessrias' ' (THE TRIBUNE, 1931). The policing of the interior was since November of 1930, under the jurisprudence of the Battalion of the Public Force of the State, that it would send by means of destacamentos to act in the provincial cities, the end to disarticulate the armed military services that served to the interests of the great colonels.

Exactly thus, one perceives that the police force continued serving to the interests of the proper detainers of the power. It had in the city has still shocked of interests between the colonel N.S. of the Gloria and you vary roads you would second of initiatives municipais’ ‘ (PERIODICAL UNIVERSITRIO, 1933). These roads had made possible the commerce between the neighboring capital and too much cities. In 1933, the city counted on ‘ ‘ an excellent freeway binding this capital and a service of irreproachable auto-bus and dirio’ ‘ transports were progressing, the medias presented problems, provoking insatisfao and protests on the part of the itabaianenses. Since twenty and nine of January of 1930 that the city counted on telephonic service. The proprietor of the Net Telephonica Sergipana, Mr. Deoclides Azevedo installed a telephonic station, shortening thus, in the distance between the city and the capital. However, the proprietor abandoned the service and in the year of 1933 complaints had blown up.

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