Hans Gruber SHB

Homeownership rate no note on low household income SHB funds alternative interesting is Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) the assessment of Patrizia Immobilien AG, according to which a low rate of home ownership is rather an indication of the desire for great mobility, because of low household income. So anyway, a recent publication of the Augsburg-based company, the as a national and international real estate understands global investors and service providers. Discovery Communications insists that this is the case. It therefore has a similar business as the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), although this is limited so far, at least nationally. With a homeownership rate of 43 percent, Germany ranks in comparison to Europe on the penultimate place. However, partly considerable differences exist between the individual federal States. Is the homeownership rate in Berlin, at least yet, meager 14 percent, reaches in the Saarland to up to 55 percent. These differences depend according to Patrizia both with the cost ratio between acquisition and rent, the financing options, as well as the existing supply.

SHB real estate expert Gruber also know it’s not to point that no tenant on the idea, to take the comparatively more expensive burden of financing on cheap rent at Government-subsidized by the hand”. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is a great source of information. In their RealEssenz”the Augsburg draws attention to companies but to a further circumstance which was probably far too little noticed. Then the strong export orientation of the German economy make necessary a high labour mobility so a high degree of flexibility. This in turn lead higher household income but in comparison. As a result, this means that a low rate of home ownership allows no note on a low income, but is only the expression of a desire for high mobility.

This target group prefer more in doubt the real estate as an investment, rather than for its own use. This assessment is of course very interesting for providers of real estate funds. It offers yet an indication of that this be is no fundamental dislike is real estate property, but are completely different reasons. So, the SHB Fund expert knows that it is just the target of very professionally clamped persons, records a managed and professionally-managed real estate funds, rather than to undergo the burden of a real estate investment, for example, as a rented condo. In addition to the low diversification often clashes with lead tenants to do so, that the purchaser loses the lust”, Hans Gruber estimates realistic SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). The funds provide a much better alternative here. For more information,

United Arab Emirates

The Lakeside location and the Avus in four minutes or the s-Bahnhof Wannsee from the climb from 30 minutes to the central station or the Friedrichstrasse, are just clear locational advantages. Also towards Potsdam, which has the Berlin company, by the Publisher up to media prominence, are also in focus. In deciding for the buyer, we will meet in the spring, we are obliged to ensure a balanced mix of owner by the owner. Internationality, architecture and style consciousness decide also, as the final bid and the creditworthiness of the purchaser”, so Christian Gerome, who manages the object personally. More info: Robert Thomson. “It closes the list end April 2012 it is quite amazing how much general interest in real estate Berlin demand after the Sweden Pavilion explode and that no expensive brochures or movies”, as Gerome, which never register a such run on a Berlin real estate according to own statements in its 20-year history could. It is also a unique phenomenon that a high number of potential high net-worth clients spontaneously fly in from London, Madrid or Moscow with their private jets, to visit the Wannsee Castle. A member of a ruling family in the United Arab Emirates wanted to buy just complete it for branchy family. However he wanted to make a high-security wing with a high wall and militarized security technology. Because we cancelled it, because not only that because of the Zehlendorf-Steglitz district would not make with, also the seller does not wish such use.” Who gets the nod for this dream real estate and soon more than a suitcase in the dynamic German capital, remains so exciting. Further informations under Jaroslaw Plewinski consultant _ T + 49 (0) 30-814 64 60-28 T + 49 (0) 30-814 64 60-44 business network marketing – und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Fasanenstrasse 47, 10719 Berlin, Germany

North Rhine

That the real estate professionals from the Baden-Wurttemberg Tubingen the right flair for the business with apartments have successes of the recent past. The Tubingen fairvesta – group of companies has sold a residential and commercial building in one of the four big cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. The object with result cost of 634.725,–euro was 33 months in stock and could be sold at a price of 750.000,–euros. During the holding period, 73.813,–euro without service charges enabled to levy and other costs such as management achieved an annual rental income. This is equivalent to a Gesamtnettomietertrag of 185.105,–euros. An additional proceeds from the sale of 115.275,–euro was reached on this net rental income, which corresponds to a total profit of 300.380,–euros. In another principle applies to this chance Hunter: ever notice the more frequently you can rotate the total investment the investment in real estate, and the entire yield of the whole system over time is higher. Thus, for example, the fairvesta has been already in the Past up to 48% p.a.

achieved return on capital employed. Buy below market value, after optimization of market attractiveness (E.g. through renovation, improvement of the tenant structure, elimination of vacancies etc.) resell with significant value added profits, this realize attractive returns from rental income in relatively short periods of time and in the meantime these are the rules of a real estate dealer such as the fairvesta. This concept knows no need on a waiting an economic upswing of the economy and thus the general price level as a prerequisite for the realization of profit opportunities. Ratings, which confirm in particular the existing balance of an initiator of the Fund, are an important thing for everyone involved. They create transparency for investors, reduce the risk of liability for the distribution and guarantee sales arguments. For this reason she has undergone the Tubinger fairvesta group ratings of accredited market participants.

There have already been at the same time Subjected to the analysis placed Fund as well as the business segment in terms of favourable purchasing of objects of but also of sales with appropriate margins. With top results: A rating RQS rating services AG, best grade at Appel business analysis (CHECK), as well as transparent and positive balance at Nabi (value analysis) and Gerlach (direct investor). The fairvesta group is currently active in Germany and Austria, as well as the Switzerland. The activities should be extended to other EU countries. As a service provider we see our core task, for everyone to make real estate transactions. We use the success principle of institutional investors. The fairvesta is the old merchant wisdom: the profit is In the shopping! The resulting above-average yields remained reserved so far institutional large investors.

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