Technology: USB, GPS

The Guardarrutas or Data Logger is a tiny device able continuously to store the position in which it is by means of technology GPS. Later, connected to a computer by means of USB, we will be able to visualize the detailed route that has crossed its carrier (also it is possible to be acceded to a file of previous routes). In addition, permitr usually sees the conducted speed by each point, shutdowns, crossed altitude, kilometers, etc. Unlike localizer GPS in real time, these devices are tracking liabilities. The majority of the equipment has their own application to simulate the crossed passage, others let use of google maps or google earth to know the route done. This technology is being used anywhere in the world to calculate the routes and mountain, senderistas, cycling passages of and zoologists. Few companies know the existence these devices and are within reach of anyone nowadays. Its use does not require no cost and usually works with batteries type AA or lithium batteries. The most prestigious manufacturers of these devices usually they distribute the equipment from Southeast Asia. Uses: – Particular Control of Fleets and devehculos; – Sports outdoors, pursuit of merchandise and suitcases; – Acts of infidelity and control of employees; – Pursuit of mascots, the cattle, etc.

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