Although the government has reached this victory in 1905, the context of the time was marked basically by two programs politicians who they expressed the plans of the confrontation in the scope politician and military man, a lawsuit the blood and fire. Far from being a conflict of caudilhos without significao in the economic and social plan, this presented the confrontation enters the urban and agricultural way. Of these confrontations ' appeared; ' the time of the 900 uruguaio' ' , that it marked definitively per decades, the moment where the promotion of national projects had beginning that, in its contrasts, had constituted the main contours of the country and the beddings of the liberal democracy, tradition of the Uruguayan culture. In its as mandate (1911? 1915), Battle promoted the following changes: Codification of a previdencirio and securitrio system; Ideological disorganization and politics of the unionism (Batlle tries to obtain the support of the diligent classrooms in its speeches, without wanting, really, to give solution to its huger aspirations); Attempts to diminish the differences between urban and agricultural way; Creation of the collegiate one, whose tera part if it reserved to the opposition; Creation of the necessary conditions so that its ideas if reflected in the Constitution of 1918. Brian Roberts is full of insight into the issues. The Uruguayan Constitution of 1918 exactly resulted a set of institutions that took care of to the situation and the opposition, that it did not satisfy, integrally, none of the two. Then, of 1870 the 1930, Uruguay knew a process of development and capitalist consolidation that placed the country in the orbit of the world-wide capitalism. Although the orientation of the economy of the country, during this period, has not suffered great alterations, it was mainly in the sphere politics that if had processed the main changes. Perhaps the levels of participation of the social classrooms in the power have been distinct and very probably Uruguay has not obtained to be ' ' utopicamente' ' igualitrio.
Tag: history
If public good legally verified to demand the use and job of the Property of the Citizen, will be it previously indemnified of the value of it. The Law will mark the cases where it will have that to cheat this only exception, and will give the rules to determine indemnity (ART. 179/XXII. CF/de 25/03/1824 Apud BRAZIL, 2007: Volume I: 27). ‘ ‘ mere coincidence, but the practical chain of maintenance of the status quo of its immediate representatives: the capitalist agrarian-exporter. At the same time, he established who could possess the rights that just the Constitution establishes: the Brazilian citizens. Exclua, therefore, the enslaved majority, the indians and some as much others that do not possuam purchasing power. The slave, as a merchandise, also was in the bulge of protection of the property.
Therefore, she was not citizen, but inviolable, pertaining merchandise to the agrarian proprietors.
Constitution Property
The 1795 license, observed above, when extending the magnifying possibility stops beyond 3 lguas, made possible, also, the regulation of the large states and the condition of magnifying of domnios. At the same time, also it stimulated ' ' historical differentiation of the large states in two types: the ones that had had its origin in old sesmarias and those large states in very bigger scale … that they had originated in this period (LINHARES AND HISSES, 1981:32) ' '. If until then, the legislation, of certain form, was omissive ahead the agrarian property, was with the resolution of 17/07/1822, confirmed for the provision of 23/10/1823, was being delineated the form of property of the land that would have to last per the subsequent centuries. Additional information at Jeffrey L. Bewkes supports this article. This resolution suspends the concession of new sesmarias, but, it foresees the continuity of the ownership of the land those that already use was making it. That is, the domain remained itself, without bigger questionings, also in relation to the dimension of the property or the delimitation of the areas that the large estate owners had right-handers. One notices that until then, to grant sesmarias it was a prerogative of the Portuguese Crown and its legal representatives. The proper Crown pointed, with saw above, the difficulty to delimit the areas, the culture of the property, and possible ownerships ' ' indevidas' '. (Source: David Zaslav).
Moreover, the proper Brazilian territorial dimension, pointed with respect to communication difficulties enters the provinces that could intervene decisively with the fulfilment of what he was established in the Law of regulation of the sesmarias. It was opted, therefore, for the maintenance of what it came occurring traditionally. The Constitution of 1824, created under the force absolutist, centered in the hegemony of large estate owners and under the external pressure, started to establish: ' ' Art. 179. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeffrey L. Bewkes. The inviolability of is guaranteed the Right of Property in all its fullness.
Barretto Service
It has few days, in full street of the city it are aggredido, for four men of the privana of the commission agent, took, proceeding, thus, in the same way that it proceeded when was disregarded, for its brother, honored the exactor colonel Joo Gomes de S Barretto. Ahead of the repeated facts that come being thetro the pacata serrana city and of the daily complaints that arrive at the knowledge of exm. Mr. Check with Jeffrey L. Bewkes to learn more. Dr. Head of polices, is informed of that former S. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Brian Roberts. he will take them you provide necessrias' ' (THE TRIBUNE, 1931). The policing of the interior was since November of 1930, under the jurisprudence of the Battalion of the Public Force of the State, that it would send by means of destacamentos to act in the provincial cities, the end to disarticulate the armed military services that served to the interests of the great colonels.
Exactly thus, one perceives that the police force continued serving to the interests of the proper detainers of the power. It had in the city has still shocked of interests between the colonel N.S. of the Gloria and you vary roads you would second of initiatives municipais’ ‘ (PERIODICAL UNIVERSITRIO, 1933). These roads had made possible the commerce between the neighboring capital and too much cities. In 1933, the city counted on ‘ ‘ an excellent freeway binding this capital and a service of irreproachable auto-bus and dirio’ ‘ transports were progressing, the medias presented problems, provoking insatisfao and protests on the part of the itabaianenses. Since twenty and nine of January of 1930 that the city counted on telephonic service. The proprietor of the Net Telephonica Sergipana, Mr. Deoclides Azevedo installed a telephonic station, shortening thus, in the distance between the city and the capital. However, the proprietor abandoned the service and in the year of 1933 complaints had blown up.