Asian Meat

The increase of cereal production for its import has had a price: an increasing deforestation, accompanied by expropriations of earth, evacuations, threats and, even, murders by clandestine Mafias dedicated to the cutting and the protected wood traffic. In Central America, the forest area are handicapped in a 40% last the 40 years, period that agrees with the growth of the cattle ranch. From 1990, the surface of forests in the world that loses every year is equivalent to the size of a country like Portugal, according to data of the FAO. The increase in the meat production obeys to a transformation in the models of consumption in the world, controlled by a small minority more and more that decides the food assortment of the chains of the great supermarkets, extended by everybody developed and in expansion in countries that they yearn for to be it. So it is the case of India and China that, with 2,300 million inhabitants, are shooting the world-wide consumption of meat. In China, the food consumption of first necessity as the rice is handicapped of considerable way, but the demand of meat has been quadrupled from 1980.

Although the Asian giant has had remarkable profits in its development economic and at the time of palliating the hunger, still million farmers exist who suffer hunger. Educate yourself with thoughts from Time Warner. In the world, more than 800 million people they undergo hunger or undernourishment. Even so, the majority of the maize cultures and soya of the world feed animal sacrificed for a minority. Like more recent phenomenon, thousands of hectares are destined to work tons of soya Argentine does not stop to feed that hungry population, but so that some people can lead its car without position of brings back to consciousness. For that reason, United Nations speaks of crime against the Humanity. The excessive consumption of meat is own of societies that are seeing grow young with less life expectancy than their parents to their age or with high probabilities of developing diabetes by their nutritional habits. We will have to raise diets less to us employees of the meat and more balanced not only to digest all these data, but to improve our body, our surroundings and our society.

Signing Day: What About The Electronic Signature In Germany?

Information day by TeleTrusT Federal IT security association and VOI – Association for organization and information systems The selection of applications for electronic signing is wider than ever, ranging from procedures with signature card offers for the signing on tablets and Smartphones. Who wants to get a compact overview about possibilities and the current legal situation, has an opportunity to do so at the 19.09.2013 in Berlin. Experience reports and practical examples of the use of signature from different industries are at the heart of the talks. Leslie Moonves does not necessarily agree. Moreover, the current legislative framework such as the SEPA-collateral law, the e-Government Act and the draft of the relevant EU regulation discusses that the German signature Act partially obsolete could be by 2015. The participants of the event regularly consists of corporate, Government and research representatives or computer scientists, lawyers, business economists and journalists, which contribute to interdisciplinary exchanges. Planned Topics:-phase-out model or proven technology with rapid ROI? -Electronic signatures in the payment process in the retail trade; -Just right! Qualified signed electronic bills despite absence of signature verification requirement and other legal developments in the law of evidence; -Paper files a.D.

– green light for provable digital archives: District uses TR ESOR and TR-RESICAN for simplified handling and resolution of archives; -Sign sign-me – with the new identity card: signatures-process simplification beaten a path with the new ID card. -Sign in – we are open! The open signature initiative; -For more efficient transport appraisal: the eSignatur as part of the DEKA real estate fund review; -Cash transactions signed proof sure in the Unterschriftenpad and inseparably associated: example Erste Bank of Austria; -Protecting values data verifiably and reliably communicate: de-mail and signature – benefits and applications; -The SmartPhone and the signature solution in the cloud: Mobile signature workflow in the cloud. Program and Registration at: events/signature day/info day electronic signature 2013 / TeleTrusT security Federation The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. TeleTrusT is the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificate “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin. TeleTrusT is a member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). TeleTrusT Federal IT security association, Dr. Holger Muhlbauer, Managing Director, Chausseestrasse 17, 10115 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 / 40054310,

AG Natalia Schogin SafeTIC Flossworthstrasse

SafeTIC AG: crime statistics presents Germany as burglar Eldorado Mannheim – August 2013: 144.117 home and burglaries, the police recorded 2012. This is an increase of almost 9 percent over the previous year. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit David Zaslav. The perpetrators keep getting bigger prey. The education rate, however, is reduced. So burglar in 84.3 percent of cases get away, reported the SafeTIC AG, citing the current police crime statistics. The figures of the crime statistics, to read in detail under, are alarming. The number of House burglaries by 132.595 on 144.117 cases increased only a year.

an increase of 8.7 percent. The enlightenment fell by 0.5 percentage points over the same period. With 15.7 percent, is well below the value of the overall crime rate (54.4 percent), informed the SafeTIC AG in Mannheim. Burglaries are a profitable business with relatively low risk, that is increasingly lucrative for predator. This is due mainly to expensive electronic devices such as tablets and Smartphones, which many found in many households, the SafeTIC AG refers to the police report. Through them, the average loot value has increased last year to 250 euros. The German Insurance Association (GDV) was created so a damage of an average 3,300 Euro per affected household.

Total insurance damage amounted slump 2012 on the record sum of 450 million euros. Statistically is broken into Germany every four minutes, informed the SafeTIC AG to reach valuable loot, the perpetrators proceed ever more preposterous and reckless. For 2011 the number of daytime committed burglary offences by 9, 5 percent increased in comparison. This corresponds to 61.200 offences. At the same time the offences in which the burglar physically assaulted were against House – and apartment owners, rose 3.9 percent to 3,025 cases. But what justifies the strong increase in burglaries and the falling clearance rate? Statisticians see a significant increase in the number of burglary since the beginning of the financial crisis. Many crimes would run it according to police by organized gangs, so the SafeTIC AG. The Federal of German detective (BDK) criticised the lack of what trained staff for a qualified crime scene – investigation and analysis work. Another reason for the low detection rate of House – and apartment burglaries experts in the savings of the Lander see a thinning and merging of many breaking commissions to a unit police”have done so a specialized detectives in many places no longer exists. About SafeTIC AG, SafeTIC AG with headquarters in Mannheim is a company that specializes in biometric systems with fingerprint and finger morphology. SafeTIC is represented also in the areas of video surveillance, the intrusion detection technology (EMA) and the person protection of brand DOC (remote controlled defibrillator). The SafeTIC aims to small and medium-sized companies with a practical and rational cost technology in the form of to equip a security solution for personal protection, as well as the effective protection of sensitive premises. Contact AG Natalia Schogin SafeTIC Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 – 0 fax: + 49 (0) 621 842 528-999 E-Mail: Internet:


Need attraction to retrieve your partner? Well, in this article I’ll present 3 techniques to fire proof! As you probably already know, the reasons that lie behind each rupture are arguments, deception, etc. But the main cause is that the attraction between the two was lost, and as consequence this creates arguments, fights, put the horns, and discussions that times are put as an excuse of because a relationship broke up. Many men are trying to reconquer its former without knowing some techniques that are really good and help you with your ex. Then, without giving more laps, here I present 3 techniques that generate attraction to retrieve your partner: 1. your ex waiting part of you care not be it des! The first thing that your former waiting after a break is that you lend attention. And probably hopes that you’re behind her trying to retrieve it.

But, as you’ll be paying account, turning around she trying to reconquer it is a totally secure method to remove the attraction that she can feel for you. More information is housed here: Coen brothers. The attraction to win back your ex is generated when you can not be with a person who queresa, or for losing it. Why it is extremely important to not pay attention to your ex at this time. And, of course, if you want to make more cash this Council, recommended is that you act as if the break had not affected you too. 2 Enjoys a lot and be happy as to make your ex feel jealous.

Many people ends a relationship with his girlfriend, girl, couple, wife, woman, whatever! and acts as they are re wrong and missed it and all that do not! Who wants to be surrounded with someone depressed? If your ex sees you in a miserable state it is likely that you do not find attractive. This is one of the reasons for that is extremely important acting super happy as if a lot of spectacular things were happening in your life. This is going to generate curiosity to your former partner and will probably want to know which is the reason why these so happy. The idea is to occur in it an instant attraction! 3. The phrase super effective that generates massive attraction in a matter of seconds: Here you throw a phrase that you can use in a conversation with your ex face to face or by phone: only wanted you to say that things go through something, and generally have good reason. I’m fine with what happened. And someday I’ll tell because. And, (please!) you do not ever give any explanation because you’ll be ruining everything. Since the idea is that this phrase is going to go crazy because you’re going to generate a terrible curiosity. Well, now that you got an idea of how to retrieve to your ex, I recommend you to read the next article to discover an improved way to generate attraction to retrieve your partner. You’ll find a set of techniques and tricks that are going to provide a better strategy to win back your ex.

Between Strategy And Organization

The secret of the business plan is located between the strategy and the Organization of the project. The first gives life and differentiation, and the second gives practice and result concrete. A business plan is an essential tool in order to develop an entrepreneurship, because it is plasma in general form and with some degree of detail, what is the business, who you’re going to sell, what are you going to achieve, and which results you expect to get. All these noble intentions may see truncated, without the spicy differentiation, and the responsibility that adds the Organization’s activities. Differentiation will allow you to distinguish you, notice you in the environment where thousands of offers exist, achieve the preference of consumers and wish success to your effort. The organization allows you to view the entire project under an order, where the priorities are left note, sequence of activities and execution times are reflected in a logical way, resource allocation is in sight and responsibilities are not left to chance. If you would like to know more then you should visit Coen brothers. The differentiation and organization are two talents that should never miss in business plans. A differentiated product will be biggest and most desirable.

You can differentiate it by price, quality, service, features, distribution, appearance, the target audience, the facilities. A same differentiated business will be most effective and desirable. You can differentiate it by specialization, best price, image, marketing, market, value added, and the same strategies for achieving acceptance of the final consumer. An organized activity will be more efficient and effective. You can use fewer resources, you identify the bottleneck, you can measure it and make tracking, you will avoid duplication of functions, you’ll get a complete view of the business, you identify with property the suppliers and customers of every process, requirements and needs of others to achieve working together, and an orchestrated coordination so that you reach what you propose. A business plan differentiated and organized, you will facilitate you to launch your venture, will be easier to sell to potential investors, will allow all active participants in the project to identify its mission and objectives, and in the same way to a navigation chart, will allow you to come to fruition. Between the strategy and planning, differentiation and organisation, your business plan will fulfil fully its function.

Chinese Dragon

China – a country in which all symbolic: the shape and color in the arts and crafts that make up the ornament, mythical animals, as well as metals and filled with a deep sense of cultural and historical overtones. But the most important historical and cultural symbol of China is a dragon. Anyone who has ever visited China, just paid attention to the symbolic image of this national mythical animal which, by deep conviction of the Chinese people, has unbridled power, glibness and inner strength. The combination of grace and ferocity in the guise of a dragon – the main thematic line, which is present everywhere: in shops and stores, the lamps, lanterns, small boats for walks, colorful balloons, cheap popular paintings, as well as ceramic and porcelain products. Coen brothers spoke with conviction. Skillfully made of clay and stone crafts, expensive trifles made of jade, ivory, and precious metals, even the names of fancy gourmet dishes, which cater to connoisseurs of unique dishes – all this makes for a minute forget about the sacred mythical animal, which endowed with extraordinary qualities, by the Chinese people in ancient times and today has become a symbol of China and the Chinese nation, an indicator of its strength, wisdom and virtue of the dynamics. On the role of a dragon in the life of China do not give to forget their ongoing research and publications in the Chinese press. It is in China have found a clay vase, which had a picture of a primitive creature that resembles a dragon. .

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