Bernd Wenninger

With appointment of Bernd Wenninger as second Managing Director of STAS GmbH the internationally successful BI provider is consistently pursuing the expansion of the management team with own employees Reilingen, 3.05.2011 Bernd Wenninger (44) has been working since 2002 for STAS and began with the construction of distribution, which developed since great: growing STAS significantly faster than the market for years and has more than 800 customers. Wally power of Attorney has been granted in November 2008 and since that time he is responsible for the entire sales Executive Board. With the decision the Reilinger provider of performance solutions ensures the middle class keeps the special corporate culture preserved – a concern that is of great importance for the present Managing Director Uwe Schulze: necessary, that the numbers are, the special spirit of STAS in the future is to be maintained. That is a very close and trustful for our existing customers, which over the years Partnership has developed, very important. By the occupation of management with long-standing and experienced STAS, we will ensure the seamless development of STAS in the future to employees such as Bernd Wenninger. Additional information is available at Coen brothers. I am delighted, in future in management to share me the responsibility.” Asked about his new role, says Bernd Wenninger: something quite special that I could celebrate my birthday not only, but also my advanced task pane on 1 April 2011, made this day for me.

I am aware of my responsibility towards employees, customers and business partners and become as Managing Director in the future everything, that continues the positive atmosphere in our company.” Bernd Wenninger will be responsible for future sales the STAS in addition to his duties as CEO. Uwe Schulze is responsible for the overall strategy of the company as Managing Director and is responsible for the other international topics in the Imtech ICT Federation. Andreas Klostermann is as a Manager also member of the Executive Board and is responsible for the areas of consulting, development and support. Since the beginning of the year was responsible for the business development, the former CEO Siegfried Wolf and spiritual father of STAS CONTROL is focused exclusively on innovations, the professional core of the solution and industry modules of STAS CONTROL, as well as the user group.

International Business School Berlin

The IBS Berlin opens the prospective on January 19, 2008. On Saturday, January 19, 2008, the international business school organised Berlin (IBS) from 10 am until 15 pm again a day of open door in the Wilmersdorfer str. If you would like to know more then you should visit Coen brothers. 117. The State-approved private University of applied sciences offers three courses of study for the Bachelor of Arts degree b.a.. Include the three management studies international management, international tourism & event management and communication & media management each of six semesters.

A semester abroad at one of our partner universities is integrated into the study. Continue to complete the students within the three years two business courses every three months in the country and abroad. The study prepared optimally by the internationally-oriented teaching as well as intensive language learning in business English, French, Spanish and Chinese on international activities. The study, teachers and students give an overview of the courses, inform the interested parties to regulatory and answer questions about studying at the IBS Berlin. For more information about the program on the day of the open door of the international business school Berlin at or by phone at 030-3151935-0 international business school Berlin GmbH & co. KG University get of applied sciences Wilmersdorfer Strasse 117 10627 Berlin telephone + 49 30 3151935-0 fax + 49 30 3151935-20 E-Mail:

Faculty University

Course formats for Oracle training: classroom courses, training on demand and private events are not uncommon in the product range of Oracle, new software, hardware and advanced functionality into business applications and databases. The training in the context of an Oracle training from Oracle University is advisable to keep the own knowledge. The possibility of obtaining an Oracle certification is based on demand. The today’s daily work, however, requires a certain flexibility in the training plan, which should be adapted to the personal learning. Oracle University offers a number of course formats to meet the different requirements of the training: Oracle class room courses: instructor-led courses, Oracle training on demand: video-based online format Oracle company courses (private event): first place courses Oracle class room courses classroom courses are the most traditional format for Oracle training. As for this characteristic, is the possibility of personal Exchange with the Faculty and the other participating. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Joel and Ethan Coen.

Oracle University training centres provide not only a training environment, which is ideal for effective teaching in the group, but also for practical exercises is indicative of the real technology. Demonstrations up to practical exercises. Classroom courses offer a universal learning experience with a personal touch. Oracle training on demand for Oracle training on demand the Oracle University takes its traditional training in the classroom and provides them in a video-based online format available, so that you can begin your training immediately. Save precious time and money by avoiding travel time and travel expenses. The complete content taught Oracle which by top trainers training lectures, whiteboard material and practical exercises are a week around the clock 7 days 90 days available. Oracle University lecturers answer your questions.

Through options such as topic selection, pause, fast forward and rewind, or search in the video, you can Learning freely, customize your individual Lernverhalten. For example, Oracle company courses (private event) reduced travel expenses for a team of workers who need the same Oracle training and can be trained in the team, through private events to a minimum. Adapted to your requirements, private events represent a target group-oriented, flexible, efficient, and cost-effective solution for Oracle to training in the team. Private events can take place in your company or in an Oracle training center. You increase the learning effect and can be cut to the needs of implementation teams, IT departments, or other technology teams.

Testing External Training And Qualification Programs

The offer on the market for continuing education keeps everything in principle already, that what is required on the demand side is in themed content as well as overlooking the time and price design of the training events. On the demand side, some previously shy to signal their own weaknesses through participation in training events. Others pretend not to find a relevant for they offer on the market. To this subjective qualification barriers the problem of complexity of a very fragmented supply one complicating factor is, then the problem of quality uncertainty joins to the. There are mainly two steps: first, it is transparent to represent the benefits of optimal education and training on the basis of positive testimonials from successful participants for others. Secondly checklists can the decisive criteria for the determination of personal training and continuing education needs, as well as the selection of this matching offers the qualification substantially make it easier.

Should you decide to embed the personnel development in a comprehensive approach to the balance of the person, so a number of HR publications created, by Jorg Becker, including relating Becker, Jorg: personnel controlling means a person record, ISBN 978-3-8381-0177-3 CF. in addition also Becker, Jorg: person accounts with intellectual capital, ISBN 978-3-8370-7001-9. Concerning the identification of different requirement levels for certain courses, the training content should be specified according to target groups. Also a modular structure of education and training, on the other hand special interests the consumer adequately take into account and on the other hand to ease your way through the various education and training instances is important in this context. Because exhaustive can be treated not all problems and challenges of work in advance education and training should be also seeks. Teaching content can then more practical business needs be aligned. As a fixed element, hence experience exchange groups headed by an experienced facilitator or supervisors can be made in the training. See complementary Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 978-3-8370-5180-3.

To increase both the education and training pitch as well as the quality of events, a transparent quality assurance is required: on the one hand, minimum standards must be guaranteed by the operator, on the other hand, the assessment of the quality of the offers should be allowed consumers. Quality items to choose from the responsibility of the direction for the formulation of a quality policy on procedures for the development of education up to determining the achievement of quality objectives in Prufungen-what quality-related activities at an educational institution must be regulated. Note it is but these standards themselves define any criteria for the quality of education, but a provider help to organize, to ensure a constantly high quality. General training, much knowledge is lost when the learned can be not immediately trained and implemented. The quality of mediated knowledge is more important than the amount of the training budget. To avoid, that training later when bad investments, manufacturers must consider very precisely in advance who to what topics that are actually relevant to work for him, should be trained. See complementary Becker, Jorg: employee survey as intellectual seismograph, ISBN 978-3-8370-5085-1. Becker, Jorg: Headhunter in their own right, ISBN 9783839124642. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker

Professional MBA Entrepreneurship

FORMAT scholarship in the amount of EUR 23.000,-, the Technical University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics together a professional MBA International offer. This unique MBA program combines technological excellence with economic implementation competence and starts on 3rd November 2010 already for the fifth time. The weekly magazine FORMAT”awards together with the Vienna University of technology continuing education center and the WU Executive Academy a scholarship in the amount of EUR 23.000,-for the Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & innovation. Target group: This postgraduate master’s programme is mainly aimed at individuals who want to operate at the interface between technology and business or act in the future: employees from companies that have positioned themselves to executives who have positioned themselves as a leader in innovation and position as an innovation leader want to (potential) entrepreneurs with technology background engineers, natural and staff from product marketing or product controlling with management experience (such as group or AbteilungsleiterIn) High potential, who want to prepare application on an innovation-oriented management function: the application documents can be at the program management under and are available on our website download available. Please explain in your cover letter, why the scholarship should be awarded just to you and describe what positive participation in this MBA programme would impact for your future career. Please send your application no later than May 10, 2010 at. The scholarship will be awarded by an independent jury on the basis of received applications. The deductible amounts to EUR 2.000,-. The legal action is excluded. Contact and more information: Technical University of Vienna continuing education center MMag. Annemarie Hartlieb Opera lane 11/017 A-1040 Vienna phone: +43/(0)1/588 01-417 20 E-mail:

Karlsbad Ursula

Ursula Reuther in the future as account manager expertise a Carlsbad 01 September 2011. Congree language technologies GmbH has a new account manager with Ursula Reuther. The translator for French and Spanish for over 25 years as a researcher at the IAI in Saarbrucken, one of the shareholders of Congree, is active in the field of language technology. There is, for example, the controlled language authoring tool (CLAT) co-developed, marketed by Congree. With Ursula Reuther Congree has an expert for the automatic processing of natural language on board, which should strengthen in particular the sales structure and expand.

In addition, she will provide a two-sided transfer of knowledge as an interface to the IAI. Ursula Reuther counts numerous lectures, which so far has she kept at special events, as well as their cooperation and project management for numerous national and international research projects due to their recognized people in the market for developer support. To in particular the areas of formalization and standardization of language, so the development of a controlled language, terminology and language testing software include their professional expertise. At IAI, it has collaborated actively in the development and implementation of language-processing software and introduced them at many major companies. In recent months, CBS has been very successful. I am focused on the new challenges of Congree”, so Ursula Reuther. Author support is still a young discipline. My goal is to promote awareness of this issue and to increase the visibility and reach of Congree products with its unique features in the market.” Niko Henschen, CEO of Congree language technologies GmbH, added: we welcome our team Ursula Reuther as an employee of the first hour.

Their expertise and their experience gained in projects at major companies such as BMW, Siemens and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen will help, further positioning the Congree products to the market.” Reader contact Congree: Phone: + 49 7248 92545-0 about Congree: Congree language technologies GmbH was founded in September 2010 as a joint venture. Shareholders are across systems GmbH and the Institute of the society for the promotion of the applied information research, e. V., at the University of the Saarland (IAI). As a solution provider, Congree bundles the activities and competencies of the partners in the field author support. Congree brings together authoring memory, terminology and rule-based quality and style control (CLAT technology of the IAI) in integrated products. These are characterized by outstanding Linguistics, the support of all common editors, as well as optional real-time use directly in the text creation. Congree delivers leading-edge technologies to formulate consistent content taking into account defined style rules and a uniform wording. Congree paves the way for a controlled language and enable professional authors, faster and rule-compliant, cost-effective high-quality and easily translatable texts to create.

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