Synchronization Rsync

One of the frequent accusations that happens to listen to the administrators of Linux from your Windows-colleagues – is the lack of graphical administrative tools Linux-systems. For most of us, it does not critical, as we have long grasped all the subtleties of the configuration files located in the directory / etc. Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce that GAdmin-Rsync reveals a new front in the campaign for the introduction of GUI-facilities in the world of system administration. rsync – (angl.Remote Synchronization) is a program for unix systems which synchronizes files and directories in two places to minimize the traffic using the encoding of the data when needed. An important difference between rsync from many other programs / protocols is that mirroring is performed by a single thread in each direction (instead of one or more threads for each file).

rsync can copy or display directory contents and copy files, optionally using compression and recursion. In fact, GAdmin-Rsync – a graphical frontend for the command rsync, also includes support for scp, and ssh, and the creation of spare copies from remote servers and remote servers. Installation is simple, and except for the rsync, dependency is almost no. Here is attached a script that simplifies all operations in excess of the minimum gentlemen – configure & & make & & make-install a lot of time it will not take. GAdmin-Rsync will take you through the initial backup, asking the few simple questions through the wizard. From here you can set the launch Cron jobs and add other sets to copy.

SOAP Anubis

“‘ The House of Anubis”-nothing is as it seems! The German version of the Belgian het Huis Anubis”distinguishes itself with elements of drama, mystery and humor, especially children in the age range from 8 to 14 years are addressed by the series. Due to the enormous success the production duo the three Benelux countries, decided to re-enact the daily SOAP with German actors instead of just sync it. The effort has paid off, what can be seen in steadily increasing ratings. The story begins with a new addition to the boarding school of Anubis. Nina (Kristina Schmidt) has a heavy start fictitious and real. The 20-year-old was suggested by our agency, starboxx, despite missing acting training for the role, and prevailed by their talent against many competitors. The newcomer in the boarding school encounters little sympathy, since the previous inhabitant of room under mysterious circumstances disappeared.

To be accepted, Nina must pass a test of courage, she should go to the forbidden attic. But what there is they again casts on unresolved issues, thus the exciting search for puzzle solution, with still more secrets about the storied boarding school on the light starts. If we get clarity about Luzys disappearance and a variety of other mysteries, is reflected in the second part of the first season. So definitely not miss, because nothing is as it seems in the House of Anubis!


Perhaps the most difficult step in terms of out of the depression is not so much starting treatment, or begin to feel happier with positive thoughts and actions, stop habits that entristezcan, dress well and, in general, all those steps that help stop being depressed. I think that more complicated for out of the depression step is precisely intend to out of the depression. We generally do not seek help or seek solutions simply because you created or not, we are more comfortable being depressed and want to avoid for any reason assume everything that involves feeling good. The problem (well for them cannot be a problem, which is its respectable position towards life) of the depressed people is that they like to be depressed. Depression is a State of sadness that is not based on a fact in particular, but it has as friendly a series of opinions and attitudes towards life that the person who has it has. These opinions and attitudes generally do not have a reasonable basis and may be dismantled with a therapy or when the person ventures to explore his life by the things that can be made out of the depression.

Wonder what the doctors say that depression is a disease itself itself and is not a sadness founded on this or that fact. It is strange but true and this might be more complicated for people to understand that they are suffering from depression. I will try to explain this aspect of depression in the following paragraph. When the doctors say that depression is a disease in itself, and that is not founded on this or that fact, what are trying to say is that you are not sad because you cannot do their work, or because your partner has left him because her mother this sick or have any difficulty. The answer when we are depressed we are sad simply because we are depressed. In other words, and although it sounds strange, you’re sad because this sad.

Depression has the ability to convince people that your sadness has origin in such or which fact when rather such or which done they are an excuse for sadness that involves depression is fed. When we are with depression simply anything is reason for us to feel sad and thus, things tend to happen contrary to how think they happen: don’t have depression because such or which made but that such or fact which saddens us because we have depression occurred. Perhaps this is a very confused idea for who is with depression. And I’m not in the intention that persons with depression who is created it’s good at first. I only invite them to think if this is the case or not and to observe how they feel when they contemplate the possibility of seeing depression as a kind of disease which absorbs everything that happens to become a reason for sadness, rather than thinking that we have reason to feel sad in the facts. The truth, each person is free to feel depression when you want to. With this article we do not mean that depression is bad and that you have to get out of it. This short article only pretends to say yes you no longer wants to feel more depression, can look at how much serve you our opinions on the matter of this permanent mood.

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