Bavarian Database

Datenbankarchivierungs provider through new Office in the Rhine-Main region creates proximity to customers from the telecommunications and aviation industry, as well as to banks and insurance companies Frankfurt/Grosskollnbach, 27.04.2010. The specialist for database archiving CSP GmbH & co. KG is now also has an Office in Frankfurt am Main. The expansion of the lower Bavarian software manufacturer in the Frankfurt area is a logical next step: the turn of the year 2009/2010 were round with customers in the telecommunications industry, aviation and finance also new target groups developed. With the new Office in Frankfurt, we’re now much closer to our customers. This is important, because there is a high demand for advice on the subject of database archiving and we here want to offer the best possible service and support companies on-site during all project phases”, CSP Managing Director Mario stresses Tabor. Two employees in the Frankfurt office. The line has Mario Tauber.

The team should be extended until the end of the year and then settle domestic and foreign projects. CSP offers Companies in sectors with high growth of data in relational database consulting services relating to database archiving, as well as the standard solution for Chronos. The data growth of databases in the company increases as more and more. Compliance guidelines require long retention periods for all data with legal relevance. Also make backup copies and the like that that the data set is a multiple of the actual payload.

Access to the archive data must be secured in the long term and even possible if the structures of the database have changed. The CSP industry-independent solution of Chronos here convinces your simplified data management, compliance support, and opportunities to reduce costs. After many industries, notably automakers, have already lowered the storage solution and increases the performance of the database, now also the telecommunications, aerospace, as well as the banking and insurance sector are discovering the benefits. The comprehensive consulting services provided by CSP include Bedarfsanalayse, archive design, project management, software implementation and training. Special customer requests are met by individual customizing. The in-house, experienced development team implements new requirements within a short time. Tags: databases, database archiving, archiving and compliance via CSP GmbH & co. KG: CSP GmbH & co. KG was founded in 1991 and specializes in innovative software solutions for manufacturing companies. The company provides to its customers as well as the implementation and customization of standard solutions also comprehensive advice and support. CSP has numerous international reference customers in the industry. Including trust group BMW, Audi, Daimler, MAN, General Motors, Volvo, Chrysler, Renault, VW, Porsche and Bosch on the solutions of the company.

Surf Spinning

Try your luck at the interactive wheel surf realized Carolinen an attractive online sweepstakes, where as the top prize every day waving a journey to the North Sea, as well as over 300 instant beverage brand. Harbour master Daniel is at the heart of the online campaign and turns for the other players to the virtual wheel of fortune. As a full service Internet Agency, surf for design, graphic design, and technical implementation is responsible. Customers with the winning codes on many Carolinen products qualify for summer prices, including 20 trips in the North Sea resort of Carolinensiel, during the promotion period from 17 May to 13 June. Further details can be found at David Zaslav, an internet resource. After entering the personal code of the profit, users together with the virtual character can start three tests on the wheel of Fortune harbour master Yuna. Winner of over 300 instant prizes will be informed immediately after the round about their prices. The daily main rice is drawn from all winning entries of the day.

In the online game by surf, a different journey every day attracts the popular to Carolinensiel, Resort on the East Frisian North Sea. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Celina Dubin has to say. Carolinen is leading mineral water in Ostwestfalen-Lippe and large parts of Westphalia and offers a wide range of mineral water and vitamin drinks. Try your luck at the interactive wheel under surf is a Web design agency for efficient communication and E-business with offices in Cologne and Berlin.

Executive Director

The story of a wildly successful company Burma cat Teddy is an absolute luxury hangover. Because the maintenance of the cat is constantly increasing, he must now earn money for very expensive things with his own company. is the Web page with the hangover of Teddy tries to earn some money for his dreams and desires. Teddy has a very exclusive taste in addition to vet bills and food. That has brought its owner to enable an income of their own Teddy that he freely can have. Leslie Moonves spoke with conviction. Teddy seeks out in the stores his favorite things are and they paid with the profits from his company. Web page, services and offers are also funded with the sales.

Only the Executive Director and his staff are volunteers, otherwise the animal trader would be quickly broke. Managing Director and owner Mark Philipp assured “We manage as a normal business!”. “Any new investment in the Web page must be earned before somehow by Teddy”. Provide the cat must still do not make that his corporate location is in bad. by Mark Philipp

Schwabisch Hall

More than two-thirds of all customers rate the service of the building societies ‘sehr gut’ the Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall has according to the largest German service ranking the most customer-oriented building society in Germany. Seven out of ten customers (69.2 percent) have very good”experiences with the service of Schwabisch Hall made. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Rupert Murdoch. The building society reached this result Schwabisch Hall as the only German Bausparkasse the gold “-status.” “This defines the 150 best companies of survey, which at least 67.1 per cent of customers the grade very good” gave. A total of 500 to 1000 customers were interviewed for the study over a million people about their experiences with more than 1500 different service providers, average per company. Have created the inquiry into the service champions”the partner ServiceValue GmbH, the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the day newspaper the world. “In September the readers of the financial newspaper have euro am Sonntag” Schwabisch Hall to the best building society “selected. John k castle may also support this cause. The Bausparkasse Schwabisch Hall AG is the largest building society of in Germany. The 7200 staff work closely with the cooperative banks. Schwabisch Hall with subsidiaries of the Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic and China is active abroad. Worldwide, the company has more than ten million customers, of which over seven million in Germany.

Datango 10 Years: A Success Story

A vision for the globally active company in the field of E-learning and electronic performance support systems Berlin, February 11, 2009 a company grows with its tasks that could be the title of the success story from datango, which celebrates its tenth anniversary on February 19. So the company by six enthusiastic software visionaries has become to an internationally networked joint-stock company with 135 employees. Platform, which today navigate thousands of users in large companies such as RWE, UBS and T-com the daily work processes as proven datango performance suite was started in 1999 with a Webride. The software company datango was founded in 1999 in Berlin. The idea: online users actively helping, to find their way quickly and easily in Web-based environments.

From this arose the Webride \”-portal with the moderated guided tours\” could be produced through the Internet and broadcast. The consumer received the ride through the World Wide Web\”after downloading the datango player for free. First customers were Pro 7 and eBay. Mid-2000 was already the first round of financing by ATLAS venture, datango was AG and the number of employees rose to 60. Two years later the datango product evolved away from the consumer portal and software for E-learning by doing\”. From this resulted the datango knowledge suite\”, the company assisted in the introduction of enterprise applications such as SAP. She accompanied the introduction of new software environments as a learning tool starting immediately in the business environment in their daily work and facilitated business thus. This realignment an important strategic step in the company’s history, was followed on the B2B area of milestones such as the investment by Hasso Plattner Ventures and EXTOREL of several million euros in 2006. Just the acquisition of Swedish Enlight KPS followed in May 2007 dps for global rollouts with high ROI and user acceptance datango has systems today as an international provider of E-learning and electronic performance support (EPSS) established and recorded a continuous expansion with offices around the world and 135 employees.

New Offer For Unified Communications With IP Centrex

ESTOS enters strategic partnership with the German phone Deutsche among telephone headquartered in Mainz nationwide the leading providers of IP-Centrex solutions. With the concept of the central power telecommunication system, the provider provides a cost-effective and powerful alternative to the traditional PBX system. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Walt Disney Co. by clicking through. The offer is aimed particularly at small and medium-sized companies, thus benefiting all basic and comfort features without having to deploy its own, internal infrastructure. The Web-based management tool power-menu ensures that every user can adjust the desired functions themselves and serve. By partnering with ESTOS phone can offer in the future the German an expanded range of services. Because the interaction of IP-Centrex network and the solution components from ESTOS ensures that your customers can take advantage of new, important performance characteristics. More info: David Zaslav.

These include functions such as computer telephony integration, presence management, instant messaging, call journal and Calendar integration. Cultivate effective communication processes in companies and contribute significantly to the optimization of business processes. The unified communications products of the Starnberger software manufacturer ESTOS, specifically tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized companies form the basis for this. The bestselling ESTOS ProCall enterprise is available as a network server-client-based platform for networks with many employees. ESTOS offers Office productivity solution ESTOS ProCall one for individual jobs, small offices and home offices. Under the terms of the agreement, the new offering with current SIP device series snom has been extensively tested and certified. Here, the control of snom SIP phones via the middleware ECSTA for snom.

This is the CTI interface protocol in the Microsoft TAPI standard. Tom Little, Board of German telephone is pleased about the cooperation: we are sure that cooperation with ESTOS will soon bear fruit. Currently there are only a few IP-Centrex providers who recommend a comparable solution. But many companies already today and in the future more and more want to reap the benefits of a unified communications solution. So is the partnership with ESTOS of strategic importance. The ESTOS products are optimally suited for our provider scenario, because the ECSTA series offers the possibility, SIP devices as direct as in the case of snom -. This opens up new possibilities for unified communications us!” As positive also Florian Bock, Managing Director of ESTOS the future looks: we have invested heavily series in recent months in the ECSTA, to a technology on the market, that makes the use of UC – and CTI – features independent of the peripheral systems. Through the cooperation with the German telephone and snom we can take full advantage of our unique selling point and a real trend in the IP-Centrex environment.” The ESTOS solutions are available through qualified dealers. The price for the Office Productivity solution ESTOS ProCall one is EUR 79,-incl. VAT and for the network solution ESTOS ProCall Enterprise 3.0 (five licenses) from EUR 599,-incl. VAT About ESTOS since 1997, develops and distributes the ESTOS GmbH innovative standard software, and is now a leading manufacturer of unified communications products.


The rest of the road cycling world championships 2011 will take place in the streets of Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 19 to 25. At these World Championships the categories start junior and under 23 road race and individual time trial of men and women together with the professionals again, as it was always up to the World Championships 2004 in Verona. Start and finish of all time trial is the Town Hall Square in the heart of Copenhagen. The course leads through the flat streets of the city centre. Of course of the men elite extends 23.2 km (x 2) North of osterbro and Hellerup before arriving in Charlottenlund Slotspark, where cyclists can return this time of Kastellet and Amalienburg, passing on the spectacular port area, to the Town Hall square. The route of the under 23 starts on the main square of Copenhagen, leads to Hellerup and back: a distance of 17.6 km, which must be completed twice. The course in the time-trial in the categories juniors and juniors and women elite is the same, the 13.9 km run through the Streets of osterbro, before going back to the Town Hall square. The race, which is the most forward looking, the men’s road race elite extends on September 25th, at the World Championships in Denmark over 266 km, which are easier to deal with than at the World Championships in Australia, but the streets are narrow and narrow winding.

Starting point is the Town Hall square and, after a 28-km-long section (including the 6.2 km master start) the race in the circuit, which runs through Rudersal. During the course of routes, which must be completed before crossing the finish line at Kongevejen Geels Hill 17 times, the athletes will have to cope with relatively low height differences. It promises a rousing race to be suited especially for real sprinter, but the last section before the finish, representing an unknown with the rise of Slotsbakken, in any case. Abide with the website of Riccione Bike Hotels over the World Championship 2011 up to date. Here you will find constantly updated information to the most important international bike race.

Cologne Event

Successfully connected the wiring specialists celebrate anniversary Cologne in June 2008 – this summer, the family-owned company has every reason to joy R & M based in Wetzikon, Switzerland. The wiring specialists, which top cable and data networks can be found on the German market of the phone, celebrating the 25th anniversary of their German subsidiary. Festive highlight of the anniversary was the event on June 5, 2008, which successfully conceived the Cologne agency Rhein Fire and implemented. Over 130 invited guests, consisting of employees, the management boards of top clients and partner companies as representatives of various trade media experienced an eventful anniversary celebration on the Schiff MS Dragon rock together. Following on the connection between Germany and of Switzerland, parent and subsidiary companies, and symbolically for the good flow of communication between the Swiss family company and its German representation, the Rhine was set as a connecting element. In addition to the German anniversary speeches Managing Director, Gabriel Bogdan successfully leads the daughter since 2003, also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Reichle & de-Massari AG in Wetzikon (Zurich) congratulated Martin Reichle.

Program points were talk rounds, congratulations and a press conference for the present journalists; also celebrated with music from the homeland, Alphorn blowers and artistic performances without ceremony. A relaxed get-together followed after the official part of the evening. More and more companies have meanwhile recognized the strategic importance of their anniversary within the corporate communications and use them to pronounce their closeness, connectedness, and thanks to their employees and partners. Here event agencies can conceptually and organizationally support and create significant added value”, Claudia knows Bassen, CVO of the Rhein Fire Agency. Especially the involvement of the corporate philosophy is critical in designing and implementing a successful anniversary celebration in addition to the emotional response of the guests. Character and History of the company must be made tangible for the guests.” “The competence of conception of and the successful overall package all participants were impressed: from the first briefing up to the review, it was a consistently successful cooperation”, as the project manager of R & M, Gerlinde Zach. The Rhein fire has created the appropriate ideas for us and smoothly.” Rhine glut Rhine glut is a strategic event marketing agency with high brand communicative competence. Integrative event concepts form the basis for the successful implementation of the project.

The range of services includes all disciplines of live communication. These are staged brand messages in the heart, resulting in a creative, emotional, and thus sustainable addressing of the target group. Rhein fire can be accessed for the realisation of projects on an international network of specialized partners, and has special expertise in marketing communications, in the work for financial service providers and mega-events with up to 30,000 participants. Contact Rhein Fire press Mr Simon Schneider GmbH Emil-Hoffmann-Strasse 45 50996 Koln phone: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-15 fax: + 49 (0) 2236 87585-11 E-mail: Web:

The Fashion Brand Gaastra Is The Main Sponsor Of Les Voiles De St. Tropez

As a leading sportswear Outfitters, Gaastra has also this year an exclusive, limited edition Les voiles de St. Tropez collection designed. For the sixth consecutive year Gaastra main sponsor of the popular regatta in the Mediterranean. In the small Dutch city of Sneek, founder of Douwe Gaastra opened his first Segelmacherei in 1897. “Already at a young age, his passion was the nautical experience: who once met the spirit of sailing, whose heart belongs forever to the vast expanses of the ocean”. Over a century later the name of Gaastra is sailing still closely linked. “” The two Les voiles de St.

Tropez 2010 Gaastra series St. Tropez “and Portofino ‘ jackets and vests range Polo shirts, fleeces and accessories from water repellent and insulating Gaastra to Gaastra. Through the constant combination of innovative functionality, sportlich-elegantem design and comfort in all Gaastra Pro and Gaastra sportswear collections, the Dutch company a high reputation among all sailing passionate. the full-service agency Esail GmbH operates company portrait for the Dutch fashion and lifestyle brand Gaastra and McGregor the mono-brand online stores eCommerce areas shop management, online marketing, fulfillment, as well as buying and. the core tasks belong. From the central warehouse in Schwerin, the orders of all B2C be sent E-Commerce customers all over the world. Core markets are Germany, Netherlands, France, Belgium and Austria and the Switzerland.

Business Excellence Conference

September 23-24, 2008, Kempiski hotel are Schloss Reinhartshausen (Eltville/Erbach) strategic HR business and HR intelligence the themes of this year’s HR business excellence Conference. The exclusive HR event will take place for the second time this year. While the Conference remains faithful to the set standard of exclusivity and timeliness. As well as at the first event, business cases of high-calibre speakers from the HR sector of companies and networking elements characterize the precious character of the Conference. Participants can forward to exciting presentations with real practical value of renowned speakers such as Mr Wente (HR Executive Continental AG), Mr Goebel (HR Vice President McDonald’s Germany Inc.) and Mr Loof (personnel manager Hamburg-Mannheimer Versicherungs-AG) are happy.

Overall, the participants expect eleven stimulating lectures, four workshops and lots of networking opportunities. The event aimed explicitly at HR executives and enjoys this year great resonance, so that only a few of the 100 Participants places are available. Investors can obtain organizers of the Conference, learn more and register consulting Dr. Geke & Associates GmbH, their sign on the Internet page of the HR business management.

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