Google CEO Eric Schmidt

The best start up idea eventually faces the task, to be discovered in the enormous sea of data of the Internet as a \”Treasure\” of treasure hunters. The popularity of Google is similar to a successful rock band: the struggle for the front seats is similar to the front of the stage at a sold-out Stadium concert. Not only the muscles, but also the right portion count sophistication. It is also in the online presence of a business idea, service or brand. Some buy up the high rankings on the portals of the search engines with high costs, others make it with an imaginative and professional online PR to come quickly and purposefully with their customers. Leslie Moonves is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Who however as well by the way in the do-it-yourself method do the job and as a people start-up companies in the start-up phase such as mounting the lights and curtains, is either bad, probably not advised. Just as the entrepreneur you should feel but his idea required enough, to make them best known. If ‘s initial budget at the start-up is tight, many often in advertising costs and exactly in the wrong place save. After all, what good is the best and most innovative business idea, if nobody finds out? From the logo on business cards and ads up to a powerful Internet presence and an optimal search engine marketing, it is often a more and more difficult way. At least if one tries to make it all alone on the legs.

Because the possibilities for dealing with knowledge and information have grown in the Internet with incredible speed. The enormous flood of information makes many people – provider such as customer – disoriented. The newcomer Google has grown in a few years to the lonely leader. \”We’re addicted,\” Google CEO Eric Schmidt explains the company’s philosophy.

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