During the initiation ceremony are taught the signs and sign, that they will be required to perform when they are intercepted by the guardian angels who guard the entrance to the Kingdom of heaven. Three of these signs, with their corresponding signs, are taught jointly with the punishment to which the candidate is made punishable if it does not meet all the requirements inherent in the agreements made. The fourth sign does not prescribe a punishment nor its name, is mentioned which receive it a little later when is this coming to the climax of the session and will receive it before the Vail of the temple on the five points of fellowship. Robert Thomson is likely to agree. The punishments provided for the first three signs will be cause for reflection by Gabriel who wishes us to explain the symbolic content of them and what they truly represent. Gabriel has also asked us that we obviaramos details for us to focus on those considered essential points in what concerning the content of what they are witnessing.
Punishments which accompany the three first signs and signs are those detailed: the punishment envisaged for the first sign consists of bring the thumb of the right hand with the Palm down below the left ear and then pass quickly for around neck in direction right ear, a clear sign of desguello, self-flagellation. The second sign provides a punishment that symbolizes taking the Palm of the right hand over the heart to then let it fall on the side of the body, as a sign of readiness to start the heart if needed. The third sign required, place your thumb with the Palm down, right hand on the left side at waist height, and quickly slide it to the right end, in sign of self-flagellation by deep cut at the height of the viscera. In the symbolic execution of these punishments, participants show that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives, if necessary, for the sake of not revealing, low any circumstances, name and hallmark of the corresponding signs.