MundoFranquicia Consulting Franchises

MundoFranquicia Consulting, a company specialized in doing consultancy of the highest quality for all organizations that see a suitable formula for growth, and business in the franchise has successfully audit certification according to the norm UNE – EN – ISO 9001: 2008 by the prestigious institution of Bureau Veritas Certification. mundoFranquicia Consulting is the first Spanish franchise consultancy that has achieved this recognition after an intensive internal work during a year. The signature power so its undoubted leadership position in consulting franchise in Spain, was for years the most requested by entrepreneurs when it comes to franchising their business. The particular methodology of work of the company has been thoroughly documented in manuals of operations and work instructions that give your projects a differential character in advisory, documentary, organizational and welfare aspects. In particular, our quality in terms of projects and assessments processes collect very detailed operating instructions that our teams will follow, step by step, without leaving anything to improvisation, to guarantee the quality of our intervention as specialized consultants, explains Mariano Alonso, general director of consulting. Aspects of quality documentation, confidentiality of information, control of satisfaction of clients, internal communication, organizational efficiency and skills in the growth of the franchise consulting develops have boosted. Logically, in compliance with the standard, the company has also improved its administrative and organizational, processes with the introduction of sensitive enhancements that will be easily perceived by the final customer. Learn more at this site: Jeffrey L. Bewkes.

We are proud to be the first consulting franchises in this step. If we can make it better and so grow more to our customers, we will grow with them. Defined processes favor addition our choices of entry into new markets, both nationally and internationally, and this in turn, our contribution to the franchise growth capacity, says Mariano Alonso. The arduous and meticulous work done with regard to the certification will especially benefit customers of this consultancy. Everything has been arranged to make mundoFranquicia the best Department of franchise of the flags for which we work. There has been much quality in our sector, but we prefer to take action. We understand that with our own certification, we not only increase our contribution of value to the customer, but optimize the implementation in your company for the quality management system of the franchise and enable it for their later achievement, explains Pablo Gutierrez, Chief Operating Officer. ISO 9001: 2008 standard is an international standard that establishes the requirements of management systems of quality for public or private organizations oriented to improve their business processes and increase customer satisfaction.

Certification by an independent entity such as Bureau Veritas It provides customers greater confidence that requirements are met in the organization. mundoFranquicia Consulting is a company specialized in doing consultancy of the highest quality for all organizations that see a suitable formula for business and growth in the franchise. Through his special attention to the customer and a methodology widely proven in a large number of projects, they work to develop successful companies in its expansive processes in franchise. The success of this company has led to him has to be present in cities such as Madrid, Zaragoza, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Valencia, Seville, Vigo, Pamplona, Valladolid, Barcelona and Buenos Aires.

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