Marketing, marketing, marketing, how many names you have over your life? Can you list them? close collaboration with a great colleague and reference in this business, we want to launch one that over its 50 years of existence as a science have been adding to this term of U.S. origin. – Concept: And this is what? The surname of Marketing – The Proposal: And what is it? Involve all marketing enthusiasts in this initiative and gathering together to contribute their creativity and memories through the list of all names that happen to you. – The Media: How and where do I do? With memory, creativity, passion, participation …. Blogs and some excellent banners and also taken to promote the game … Adoptalos! Please leave a comment with your contribution in either of these blogs and of course those who want to regain the initiative ….
Of course you can include a post your blog, for that matter … – Benefits And why should they? – Being part of a joint marketing bloggers .- Refer to all participating bloggers deliver their grain of sand (ie at least one name) – Write an e-book with all the marketing names listed, with corresponding definitions. – The Challenge: What do we bet? We know that there may be hidden there, at least 50 … And as we say in marketing, in an optimistic scenario, even we would be able to reach 100 … Animo! – The Timing: We give one month … Until 16 May … To motivate people …