INTRODUCTION When verifying in which bases the resume of the Administration is based, perceives where closely on it is the paper of the professional with the search of the perfectioning. Such perfectioning, seen to the eyes of who takes decisions in a company, reflects the process of theories that had been passed to it. Brian Roberts often says this. in this question that we anchor in them, when searching where the management models had been being formed and perfected. For this, we adopt the research based on Taylor to analyze the Administration as science, basing our referencial. You may wish to learn more. If so, Robert Thomson is the place to go. To complement this vision we use Bruno and Saccardo, of which we include referring arguments to the management ways. Naira Pencil assisted showing the historical context of the evolution of the administrative theories. Alves and Liker had complemented the transformation of the taylorista model until the toyotista model. The article tries the communication of the sproutings of the theories pointing out them in a historical context.
To follow, they are presented as such models had been if molding to other types of company, placing some critical points of the management models. A new retaken vision or one in the essence of the theories of the administration with bases in these models is an experience that always must be stimulated. With this stimulaton he was that this article seemed to be useful to publishes academic to it, leading to the light of the scientific knowledge. 1. SPROUTING OF the 1,1 MODELS Taylorismo the Taylorismo was created at a moment that had extreme necessity of standardization of the operations. We cannot take off the merit of Frederick Winslow Taylor, when it divulged in the United States the Principles of the Scientific Administration who obtained to perfect the productive process having as idea the reach of the excellency in ' ' better time, in best maneira' ' (PENCIL, 1993). In accordance with the book above referenciado? Principles of the Scientific Administration, optimum method of if managing a company are through called science Scientific Administration.