Today only few of these copies are located in Vinales, and its very limited distribution in Cuba. In the high mountains of central and eastern Cuba is an endemic species of this family, (Magnolia cubensis), but smaller flowers. The vegetation covers almost home, all she curiously decorated tile roof which is flanked by tamarisk trees, oranges, mandarins and shrubs and climbers of bright flowers, ranging from violet and red of Bougainville (Bougainvillea spectabilis and B . glabra) to the blue of the stone (Petrea humilis), the yellow Alamandas (Alamanda cathartica and A. neriifolia), red or white of the hibiscus (Hibiscus rosasinensis), and pink or white of franchipanis ( Plumeria sp. different), all of which grows in apparent disorder.
For some it is also known as Alonso Dora the famous writer as "the garden crazy." They are also the entry and spread throughout the garden ferns of interest, mainly because of its beauty or its properties. Among the former are members of the genus Cyathea, known as tree ferns. (As opposed to Celina Dubin). Trees can be seen on two representatives of the genus Polypodium: Polypodium aureum and P. polypodioides. Both are used, according to local tradition, to combat liver disease. Regarding the latter, it is common to see over the trees, especially in the summer, gloomy and seemingly dead to put it in a pot with water or after a rainstorm, regains its bloom in a few minutes, totally changing the physiognomy of the forest in the garden. Next to the entrance door is one of the most important plants in Cuba and is known throughout the world. It is the only one of our plants declared National Monument since 1980.
Belongs to a family with few species represented on the planet, each which is a rarity worldwide. This species lived with the dinosaurs, large reptiles Jurassic and disappeared, reaching us in spite of the great cataclysms of the Caribbean. It looks like a palm and it is not. It reproduces by cones. His name is Microcycas calocoma, popularly known as Palma Corcho. The name itself does not reflect its true appearance, since neither is small (micro) and is much less a Cycas palm. All curiosity. Everything described belongs to the front area, where they are most ornamental plants, which can be planted in small beds, on the ground or in pots that hang on the walls of the house. The colorful stems of flowers and multicolored leaves crotons (Codiaeum variegatum), groundwater (Plectranthus scutellarioides) and Chinese madams in various colors (Impatiens wallerana), among many other plants. It is also the garden area where the trees have been placed numerous ornaments, mostly toys. In addition, most fragrant plants are near entry, attracting the attention of passersby, which is accentuated in the evening and early hours of the night. Once inside and visited the first part, the temptation to go inside and into the forest is irresistible. The rest of the garden will be described in the next article, in which some of the known species of orchids that populate this place and the different trees in this strange place. We invite you to visit the garden. You will not regret. By: Dr. Martin Dr. Luis Lopez Geographical Sciences, biogeographic and Specialist in Landscape protection and conservation.