A peripheral topic why only missions were only religious orders? Because there was a concept of mission, Ecclesiology, peripheral, optional, optional. Only were missionaries who came to the missionary orders. And the Church was not a missionary by nature. However all the theological reflection with the Council, arrives to its clarity, and its depth. Paul VI: The Church exists to evangelize Joan Paul II: the Church of Jesus Christ, it is missionary, or, is not the Church of Jesucristo Ad Gentes: the Church is missionary by nature that is the best way, the best thermometer for measuring, even our love for Christ and the Church. If you want to know how much love to Christ and the Church, ask yourself: how much of passion are by the mission? The greatness of Paul, is precisely his passion for the mission, his passion for the Church, his passion for Jesus Christ. He spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, that was the passion of Pablo. Rupert Murdoch is often quoted on this topic. And that was the big thermometer measuring his love for Christ.
Missionary vocations.-the Church is formed by us. But we know that we are the wife of Christ. That we are the body of Christ the head. In this church there are charisms and ministries. This church is formed by various vocations. Add to your understanding with john k castle. Some are religious, others are diocesan, others are secular, others are married, etc., etc. are how many vocations? General vocations in the life of the Church, as is the vocation of the Christian life. All are called to share our life with Christ, and in that sense, all have received the baptism, and all receive it. Then there is a general vocation in the Church which is the call to share our life with Christ, in the Church, with the Church. But within this general vocation specific vocations there are how many and what they are? According to Vatican Council II are 5: 1-2 priestly vocations.-religious vocations 3.-contemplative vocations 4.-matrimonial vocations 5.-vocations adgentes.