Corporate Decisions

There is an objective to describe the related activities aoestgio curricular, telling the main challenges, solutions and dificuldadesencontradas in the performance of the activities in the engineering sector, focando naelaborao of a study for implementation it accomplishes of System ERP of the company. Supervised Oestgio provides to the academic the chance to put emprtica the acquired knowledge in the graduation, being had as to objetivocomplementar the formation with the experience of real problems of the daily one of umaempresa. The Systems of InformaoGerencial – SIGs, of which they are part the Enterprise Resource Planning – ERPs, comumente they are constructed on three relative premises to the approach dainformao: the first one of them says respect to the survey of processes econsiste in a set of operational information, second deals with dasdefinies the experts to the businesses in a tactical boarding on controlede supply, logistic e, finally, the third premise aoplanejamento strategical of the businesses is mentioned. Seguindoessa piramidal structure of generation of the information, that if it initiates in a grandeturbilho of operational data, composites in a model highly structuralized, etermina in a set of dynamic graphs with minimum estruturao, but comgrande capacity to format a holistic vision of the company; the administration of the informaotorna-seo element that conducts the process of transformation of the decision in action, abrangendotodas the areas of the company and mainly its diverse managemental levels. She lowers the complete article to continue reading.

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