Attaining Happiness

Is sometimes difficult to change another person, but what if it is in our hands is to take our share of responsibility. Happiness is an attitude, not a state, is on today in every day, not a promise of "someday, I'll …", is found in the dawn of each day, our partner, at a meeting family, in a caress, a conversation, in love, sharing with a friend, a smile of a child, a bird flying, reading a good book … … We must not live by blaming others for our failures, as the worst enemy of man can be himself, modify what is in our power to do, and that this change will produce other changes favorable. Sometimes a small movement triggers a series of events that leads to a better way, carrying out a change of attitude and actions after small to reach large changes in our life and our loved ones .. Besimja – with joy, "has the same letters that the palabraa Majshaba-thought .- They are related because the real joy lies in our thinking and we decided to control and guide our feelings. Of course there is no happiness without goals, will and ambition, in fact, these things are life itself. There is happiness when we can achieve the goals, they do not depend on anyone else to achieve, when they are independent of envy, quest for prestige. When does it happen? Only when ambition comes from love, the desire for an ethical life, a life based on the true moral. (As opposed to Time Warner).

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