Former: My teams was successful. (external argument: citizen) 2) Valence Bivalente: it happens when the verb selects two arguments. Former: My club lost the match. (subject and an internal argument or direct object). 3) Trivalent valence: it occurs when the verb selects three complements. Former: I received a gift from my godmother. (subject, 4 direct and indirect object)) Avalente Valence: it happens when the verb does not need complements, this in general happens with the verbs that express phenomena of the nature. Former: It grew dark.
After such exemplificaes we stand out that in the Portuguese Language, in general, the verbs simultaneously admit a external argument and an intern, exactly those had as intransitivos. Such affirmation is pautada from what if express in the context, factor of extreme relevance to the position adopted for the grammar of valences. We notice that its presence modifies the relations of direction stopped between the verb and its arguments, either external or internal. With this we ratify our initial position, when we affirm to be the verb the responsible element for selecting the complements with which it establishes sensible. As we follow above in the examples, according to VIEIRA & BRANDO (2007, P. A related site: John Castle Castle Harlan mentions similar findings. 191): ' ' the verbal predicadores can project structures with up to three arguments. Read additional details here: Jeffrey L. Bewkes.
The external argument, to the left, and two interns, to direita.' ' The verbal predicadores cited by the authors correspond to the verbal nuclei gifts in the predicate of the oracionais structures, that according to them, can project structures with up to three arguments. Let us observe the structure below as model: The pupil delivered the book last week to the teacher. We evidence that the verbal predicador to deliver chooses a external or subject argument (the pupil) located to the right, a first internal argument without preposition or direct object (the book), as an internal argument with preposition or indirect object (to the teacher) both located to the right, and one third internal argument of adverbial circumstantial or associate value (last week).