Social Service

In the decade of 70 the Social Service and Psychology enter in competition for the supremacy of the familiar therapy. To know more about this subject visit castle harlan. According to Teixeira (1997), and traditional in the profession, but that in the decade of 70, with the growth of Psychology, it started to be questioned, mainly with respect to the work with family therapy. As Vasconceloses (2005) the world of the professions veem suffering changes in the structures and the strategical development, as well as in the area of the health and the social assistance. In accordance with it ' ' services of mental health tend to medicate, to offer to psycotherapies and ' ' whitewashing imediata' ' , but residential services, personal work, social services, such as therapeutical accompaniment and domiciliary assistance of long stated period, all tend to be responsibility of the assistance agencies social' '. Such services are played for the Social Service, causing a social recklessness on the part of the others professionals of the area of mental health, resulting in the overload of work of the Social Assistant, without counting on the lack of alternatives of service of the institution for ' ' desinstitucionalizao and for offers of an integral care to the user and its famlia' '. (Vasconcelos, 2007, p.55) Vasconcelos very portraies well the conditions of the public politics developed from the municipalizao of the city halls, showing the fragility and the lack of the support of the State with the civil society, in the efetivao of the priorities of the Psychiatric Reformation. The work materialize for the social assistants results in the assimilation and occultation of the institucional conflicts and the actions that disturb the functioning of the units of health, institution and the increase of the actions of the different professionals in detriment of the preference of attention to the demands of the users, in the direction of its interests and necessity, despite, in many ' ' casos' ' , its action reflects, in its imediaticidade, favoring to its users, mainly in what it refers to the comfort of tensions. . .

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