
Be patient, heart, which is better, to what I see, desire without posesionque possession without desire.Ramon de Campoamor desires must obey to the reason.Cicero is very important to discover that both us dominate our desires, and to not be attentive when they manifest themselves, these us caught, become obsessive, to the end that lead to that give you step to that possession originates with all its consequences. In this regard there is an interesting allegory of Alexander Dumas father that recounts that: A Butterfly gathered in their wings of Opal sweetest harmony of colors: white, pink and blue. Like a ray of sunshine was fluttering from flower to flower, which flying flower, rose and fell, playing above the green meadow. A child who was trying to take their first steps by the iridescent grass saw her and suddenly felt invaded by the desire to catch the insect in bright colors. But the butterfly was accustomed to this kind of desires. I had seen how whole generations were no forces chasing it. It fluttered in front of the child and was to settle two steps and when the child, slowing their steps and containing breathing, extended hand to pick it up, the butterfly rose flight and recommenced his unequal and dazzling trip.

The child is never tired; the child tried over and over again. After each abortive attempt, the desire to possess it, rather than go out, grew on his heart, and with increasingly faster pace, with the most ardent gaze, the child came running behind the cute butterfly. The poor boy had raced without looking back; so, when he had run a good time, I was very far from his mother. Valley fresh and flowery, butterfly became a populous of Brambles and arid plain. The child followed her up that plain. And, even though the distance was already long and quick race, the boy, who didn’t feel tired, could not stop pursuit of the butterfly, which is posing every ten steps, in a thicket, a Bush or a simple wild flower and without name, and always rose flight at the moment in which the boy believed to have already. Because, while pursuing her, the child had become boy.

Schiller Year

“Thuringian patrons relieve Friedrich Schiller posthumously by worldly duties on the occasion of the pass of the Schiller year 2009 in Bauerbach which is life of goods Supreme, the evil largest but is not the guilt.” Erfurt, the 5.12 – 225 years after the arrival of Friedrich Schiller in the Thuringian Bauerbach a benefactor pays its local debt – to the introduction of the Schiller year 2009. The poet, philosopher, and humanist had left in the local pub until today are owed. The author of the input quote is redeemed from this evil. Mark Kotsay may also support this cause. 203 years after his death the Erfurt Medienagentur wipes out medfux”whose last accounts receivable. They concern an invoice of the Inn to the Brown horse”in Bauerbach. In the small town of South-West Thuringia of the great humanist and poet between 1782 and 1783 had found less than a year shelter, after his escape from Wurttemberg. Checking article sources yields Coen Brothers as a relevant resource throughout.

“The Bill Nummero 58″ has among other 14 food”and 4 buckets of beer” as well as amounts before the horse “and Lights out”; Accounts receivable, who wanted to settle Schiller’s former benefactor Henriette von Wolzogen, without the implementation of this intention is determined. “Because is also unclear in what currency, Schiller would have paid, the late patrons passed the symbolic amount of 50 euros, as well as, Honorary, the word sponsorship for lamb patience” to the present owner of the Guest House. The ceremony offers the municipality of Bauerbach cause on December 6, which heralds the Schiller year 2009 to the birthday of the poet. Filed under: Glenn Dubin. Not should stain stain of secular inconsistencies even after his death, not”a poet from up in the sky enough grandeur, says donor Tobias Mindner.

Emerald Green Jasper

The amulet was first used by Pliny. It is defined as an object used for superstitious purpose, which is credited with powers, half guard against the spells, diseases, accidents and other ills. What differentiates the Talisman amulet is the amulet has defensive virtues and the talisman has offensive virtues. To make amulets held properly they should be above, instead the talisman can be saved anywhere. All peoples at all times have employed all sorts of amulet. Kind of amulets: stones: agate, believes that gives victory to the athletes and fertility to the field plowing, if it is a single color brings discord to families; Diamond, it is said that it gives peace to the spirit; Emerald Green Jasper with transversal line in the Centre, is favorable to the speaker; Amethyst, against drunkenness; the quelonia, is revealing of the future; Crystal, attractiveness of the favor of the gods; coral, destroys the whirlwinds and It protects against lightning. Metal: sheets of gold, silver, iron, copper, bronze; was attributed to the sound of the copper powers to fade the disastrous appearances and erase all impurity; Mercury and some salts. Leslie Moonves helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In what has to do with plants, Hellebore flower, very powerful against all disease; the leaf of laurel in the mouth.

Call origin in prehistory. Hear other arguments on the topic with Celina Dubin. Belonging to the prehistoric found amulets have been of stone, clay, bone, Horn and bronze; in the form of disk, wheel, hammer, etc. The Egyptian papyri have retained several formulas of spells; those who were with the dead, whose mummies were covered by way of magic armor of several objects subject by tapes, intended to open the way of the infernal regions. These objects were: plates full of hieroglyphics, Papyrus rolls, figures of gods and sacred animals as they were sacred beetles. The Indians wore fine stones with magical formulas, sheets of gold, silver and tapes with inscriptions.

The Greeks used iron rings, also were placed on the doors of temples bouquets of laurel, oxiacanto and Hawthorn to ward off any evil influence. The Romans used bangles, necklaces and headbands of metal, precious stones, especially of black coral. The Church did not pursue at the moment the use of amulets. Yes suppressed liturgy invocations to the angels, so that the faithful not falling into the use of amulets of Agnostics who confused sometimes los angeles with the eonas (eon emanating eternal intelligence of divinity). I invite you to visit where you will find articles of quality checked for your personal and spiritual development: health, sports, computing, entertainment: Magic Voodoo spells for love, etc.; Languages, painting and more.

Dialog Of The Stories

Jenny Falckenberg Blunck presents photographs by Franziska Stunkel Director and actor Kai Wiesinger in unique double exhibition in Hamburg. “Hamburg, 09 February 2012 – from March 21, 2012, art agent Jenny Falckenberg Blunck in Hamburg presents photographs of directed by Franziska Stunkel and actor Kai Wiesinger in the double exhibition dialogue of the stories”. Both artists photograph for many years in addition to their cinematic work. While Stunkels works have been already shown in prestigious galleries, Kai Wiesingers photographic works are presented in an exhibition for the first time on March 21, 2012. Wiesinger works in monochrome concentrated colouring, Stunkels, photographic works, however, are charged with strong vibrant colours. The photographs are entering a dialog of the stories this exhibition together for the first time in the dialog. If you are not convinced, visit Leslie Moonves. Stunkel representing diversity and simultaneity is crucial. Their photographic work developed in different cities in China, Europe, the United States and most recently in Africa.

In panes of glass into show photographed the expressive reflections Stunkel parallel events, stories, people in front and behind the glass. Stunkel calls her paintings “more than seven billion stories” and thus refers to the growing global population, which exceeded the seven billion mark on October 31, 2011. Franziska Stunkel says: an own, distinctive history, that it is worth to be narrated surrounds every human being. Reflections form the Visual starting point for me, to express the fascination of diversity and simultaneity. My works are not digitally processed, rather than an authentic moment left. You certify to real surrounding stuffings of diverse life stories on this earth.” Wiesinger, who already had his first own darkroom at the age of ten years, shows the parallel worlds of everyday life during the making of the film with touching pictures child prodigies. His observations made with the camera wearing a very own handwriting: you are immediate, intense and direct, here but not intrusive or distanzlos.

Santa Maria

Even when Arnau de Torroja was a civilian mine who lived in a very distant century, still I guess some of the sensations that made vibrate his soul to very specific works of art pious. I refer not only to the apse of the Church of our city, but that, given the strategic military position of the castle of Cardona, about 30 km away from Solsona, surely he must have seen scenes of the vaults painted for the Church of Santa Maria de Cardona, who are today exposed at the Museu d Romanic Barcelona Art (MNAC), which dates back to the year 1040. Placing under them, today anyone can connect with admiration that should have felt the pious young man, since frescoes in Romanesque architecture of the Temple of Santa Maria de Solsona there is no trace. These constructions Romance are still visible in the Cathedral of la Seu d’Urgell, and for non-Catalan has them serve the Church of Santa Juliana in the Collegiate Church of Santillana del Mar, both from the 12th century. CONTEXT SOCIO – POLITICIAN during the youth of ARNAU DE TORROJA warn Arnau de Torroja was born when the count of Barcelona, Ramon Berenguer III, sought political alliances between the Catalan nobles who would make it possible with the time, which all together were able to wage war against the Muslims in major cities. The taifas had in them their strategic communications points, and were the most important capitals within the so-called new Catalonia. Within a decade the entire field of Tarragona grew from no man’s land to fields cultivated by conflictivo Christians sent there by the catalan sovereign decided to overcome the companies of their ancestors in the unification of the country by force of arms and with the help of his Christian faith. Still, were a few years when it was still unthinkable that Tortosa was the origin of a discord between Catalonia and Aragon, as then happened.

Jesse Livermore

But when this feeling manages to expire, giving rise to greater optimism and more favorable perspective about the future in the investing mind, by more prevailing negativismo in the economic data, these will not manage to infect to the market. And that one exactly that one is the moment that the investing world is hoping. It will be necessary to be kind not to the economic news, but to how it receives them to the market. The corporative gains of the S& P 500 can get to fall a 35% in the first trimester and a 15% in all the 2009, according to estimations of analysts gathered by Bloomberg. The graphs of the indices of the United States point all towards a bearish acceleration for the next weeks, and as we indicated, fundamentals of enthusiastic market is not nothing. Who it tries to buy in these instances of market, it will have to know in clearly that this one is not forming any bullish figure at the moment – del point of view of the technical analysis for absolutely any term at the moment, but that one that looks for the long term will have of knowing how to still hold the shower that none comes and to disarm bought positions, knowing that it will be put uglier before better. Many initiates in markets usually ask to me what to do when in the middle of a low one as the present one has been bought and they are hopeless with each new loss for a 24-hour period.

First that I ask he is: ” Which was the term for which you defined your investment? “. If they answer the short one, I advise to them that for the next one they consider a limit of losses they respect and them, and if it is the length, since they respect term that ruled before realising the investment and they are inverted! Many investors usually watch the fluctuations of the day to day and see their portfolios lose value precipitadamente. If I raise of the operating one had been to maintain long term, because he is not advisable to watch the intranewspaper because the errors because of the panic can be distinctive in any portfolio. ” There” s to Time to go long, Time to go short and to Time to go fishing” (It has a little while to buy, a little while to sell and a little while to go away to fish), it said Jesse Livermore, one of great traders of world-wide history if I were not vegetarian, would go to look for the cane to me.


This prevents that you become such volatile plans, with overtones of panacea that sometimes enthusiastic organizations. Everyone involved, and the entire organization, should be aware that requires a major effort and perseverance, to achieve the change that is fundamental to the success of the company. On the other hand must be a real and tangible commitment to the Organization, that is, by providing the necessary resources for the achievement of the implementation of appropriate procedures. These resources are required for teaching and training of personnel, materials of reference, instrumentation, software, modifications of equipment and installations and support teams. To achieve this financial commitment to the Organization, should make the respective evaluation of cost benefit program and use the corresponding techniques for evaluation of projects to demonstrate their economic suitability to the organization. a) definition of the appropriate procedure: prior to any new deployment, it is necessary to an analysis of the situation or current condition. It is important to have a diagnosis of the current state of things, as an initial step to define the course of action to follow.

The analysis of the current condition or audit Tribology, it is suitable that is made by an external specialist, consultant specializing in Tribology. This work has traditionally been trusted suppliers of lubricants, but work comprising this audit is normally beyond the scope and expertise of the technical personnel of these enterprises; and sometimes the conclusions of this represent a conflict with the suppliers of oils. There are a number of other advantages in using an independent specialist to perform this lubrication diagnostic and monitoring of oils. The goals and objectives of a good Tribology audit are as follows: Identifying current procedures and defining appropriate procedures. Identify improvements and cost reduction opportunities relating to administration, storage, handling and disposal of lubricants. Identify actual needs of monitoring of oils, defining points of testing, frequency and methods of sampling, analysis of oils In Situ cleaning specifications or purity purpose oils, specifications of pollution componentes-actuadores and machine tolerances, needs of equipment purification and its specifications, levels of alarm and data collection Tribology, etc.

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