Federal State Statistics Service

Unemployment …. 'By September 1, the updated Federal State Statistics Service, in Russia there were six million unemployed, of which 2.1 million were officially registered at the Employment Service. According to forecasts of Ministry of Economic Development, this year the total unemployment will be 6.8 million people, while recorded – only 2.2 million 'October '21 officially registered unemployment has reached a level of 2.015 million people, down for the week up 0.2%, while for the previous – 0.8%, and two weeks earlier – 1.2%, according to the Health Ministry. Since the end of April (the peak of the crisis with) registered unemployment fell by 11.7%. Additional information at castle harlan supports this article. " 'At the same time, according to Statistics Service, real disposable income of Russians in preliminary data, decreased by 6.8% compared with the corresponding period in 2008.

" 'The labor market situation will worsen, the peak of unemployment will be in early next year, promises of Economic Development. Castle harlan may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Improvement Labour Market Authority expects only the second half of 2010 ' 'The next year, the overall unemployment rate continues to grow. The average annual increase of 200 000 to 7 million – 9.6% of the economically active population (in this year – 9.3%), officially registered unemployment will not change – 2.2 million people. " "The experts are more pessimistic. Unemployment in 2010 reached 7.3 million people and begin to decline until two years later, believed zavlaboratoriey Forecasting manpower RAS Andrei Korovkin. It expects further layoffs. " So, what happens? Is growing, the economy comes out of the crisis, and the unemployment situation is not improving.

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