The Uruguayan Constitution

Although the government has reached this victory in 1905, the context of the time was marked basically by two programs politicians who they expressed the plans of the confrontation in the scope politician and military man, a lawsuit the blood and fire. Far from being a conflict of caudilhos without significao in the economic and social plan, this presented the confrontation enters the urban and agricultural way. Of these confrontations &#039 appeared; ' the time of the 900 uruguaio' ' , that it marked definitively per decades, the moment where the promotion of national projects had beginning that, in its contrasts, had constituted the main contours of the country and the beddings of the liberal democracy, tradition of the Uruguayan culture. In its as mandate (1911? 1915), Battle promoted the following changes: Codification of a previdencirio and securitrio system; Ideological disorganization and politics of the unionism (Batlle tries to obtain the support of the diligent classrooms in its speeches, without wanting, really, to give solution to its huger aspirations); Attempts to diminish the differences between urban and agricultural way; Creation of the collegiate one, whose tera part if it reserved to the opposition; Creation of the necessary conditions so that its ideas if reflected in the Constitution of 1918. Brian Roberts is full of insight into the issues. The Uruguayan Constitution of 1918 exactly resulted a set of institutions that took care of to the situation and the opposition, that it did not satisfy, integrally, none of the two. Then, of 1870 the 1930, Uruguay knew a process of development and capitalist consolidation that placed the country in the orbit of the world-wide capitalism. Although the orientation of the economy of the country, during this period, has not suffered great alterations, it was mainly in the sphere politics that if had processed the main changes. Perhaps the levels of participation of the social classrooms in the power have been distinct and very probably Uruguay has not obtained to be ' ' utopicamente' ' igualitrio.

Spanish Constitution

"Precept which is the clear link with the mandatory nature of judges and courts to the doctrine that emanates from the decisions of the Constitutional Court in all kinds of processes for the interpretation and application of laws and regulations according to the precepts and constitutional principles. The constitutional doctrine of assumed TC and highlights "the importance of biological paternity tests, both to protect fundamental rights (Articles 14 and 39 EC) and to achieve a reliable belief, since the results are absolute, if you exclude paternity, and overwhelming, if the project "and that also led him to appreciate that, agreed the test, if it is not carried out by the refusal of the defendant, although it can not be equated with the refusal of fictitious confessio, if you own uniqueness with scope Obstat relevant if the act is valued properly integrated into the whole other evidence. More information is housed here: Robert Thomson. And so all this is the importance of the test to be agreed, as it leads, if done at the same biological result determining the relationship of filiation, and if not done by the refusal of defendant to such an obstruction can be equally valued for trial purposes and, as such, this doctrine (STC: 7 / 1994, 19/1999) echoed and picks and the new Civil Procedure Act by providing in article 767: "4. The unjustified refusal to be tested biological parenthood will allow the court to declare the affiliation claimed, provided that there are other indications of parenthood and proof it has not been obtained by other means." B) LEGAL REGULATION: Article 39 of the Spanish Constitution states: "2 …


If public good legally verified to demand the use and job of the Property of the Citizen, will be it previously indemnified of the value of it. The Law will mark the cases where it will have that to cheat this only exception, and will give the rules to determine indemnity (ART. 179/XXII. CF/de 25/03/1824 Apud BRAZIL, 2007: Volume I: 27). ‘ ‘ mere coincidence, but the practical chain of maintenance of the status quo of its immediate representatives: the capitalist agrarian-exporter. At the same time, he established who could possess the rights that just the Constitution establishes: the Brazilian citizens. Exclua, therefore, the enslaved majority, the indians and some as much others that do not possuam purchasing power. The slave, as a merchandise, also was in the bulge of protection of the property.

Therefore, she was not citizen, but inviolable, pertaining merchandise to the agrarian proprietors.

New Constitution

They had called for boycott the process approved on Friday in rrendum. Check out Jeffrey L. Bewkes for additional information. They managed to bring together thousands of people in several cities of the country. The new Constitution was supported by 98.5% of the votes cast. 20 February movement, which called for the boycott of the process of constitutional reform in Morocco, organized this Sunday its first national protest since last Friday in the popular consultation the votes in favour of the new Magna Carta arrived to 98.50% of those issued. In Rabat over 2,500 people organized a March from the historic square of Bab Had towards the headquarters of the Moroccan Parliament, and shook placards against despotism and corruption. The people reject the Constitution of slaves, not to the constitutions that are elaborated with the absence of the people, not to the Governor who steal public money were the main slogans vitoreadas by the demonstrators. The Member of the illegal Islamist movement justice and charity Abu Chita Musaid said that protests on Sunday constitute a popular message to the ads for Morocco, in rrencia to the constitutional reform.

National Pact precisely, justice and charity, which is part of the February 20 movement, called on all political forces to initiate a global dialogue on the basis of a National Pact for change, open to all parties and to avoid that Morocco is directed towards the abyss. Musaid added that the State has not yet responded to the demands of the movement from February 20. The aforementioned movement claimed, inter alia, a constituent Assembly be granted Morocco a new Constitution, the end of the politics of monopoly economic, guarantee of the services of health and education, the right to employment and the reduction of the cost of living to enjoy. Contramanifestacion in the same area where protested Sunday the Moroccans reforms, dozens of young monarchist so-called organised a demonstration to support the new Constitution, and shouted slogans against the motion on February 20, which They accused traitor.

The Constitution

The indians, its communities and organizations are real parties in interest to enter judgment in defense of its rights and interests, intervined the Public prosecution service in all the acts of the process. To the federal judges it competes processing and judging: the dispute on aboriginal rights. Art. Rupert Murdoch has compatible beliefs. 67.

The Union will conclude the landmark of aboriginal lands in the stated period five year from the promulgation the Constitution. Through this constitutional historical briefing it is possible to identify a series of innovations in the treatment of the aboriginal question. Coen brothers understood the implications. Before the Constitution of 1988 the recognized aboriginal rights were basically restricted to the ownership right on the land; from the CF/1988 it had a significant magnifying of these rights, over all as consequence of the recognition of its ‘ ‘ social organization, customs, languages, beliefs and traditions, ‘ ‘ (art. 231). The Constitution of 1988 is a paradigmtico landmark in the treatment destined to the aboriginal peoples in Brazil. For Arajo (2006), the paradigm of ‘ was broken; ‘ integrao’ ‘ of ‘ ‘ assimilao’ ‘ was substituted by the multiculturalismo, from the right to the difference. Moreover, ‘ ‘ when recognizing to the collective and permanent right peoples aboriginal, the Constitution opened a new horizon for the country as a whole, creating the bases for the establishment of right of a pluritnica and multicultural society, where peoples continue to exist as peoples who they are, independently of the interaction or contact degree that exerts with the too much sectors of the society that envolve’ ‘ (Arajo, 2006:45).

Constitution Property

The 1795 license, observed above, when extending the magnifying possibility stops beyond 3 lguas, made possible, also, the regulation of the large states and the condition of magnifying of domnios. At the same time, also it stimulated ' ' historical differentiation of the large states in two types: the ones that had had its origin in old sesmarias and those large states in very bigger scale … that they had originated in this period (LINHARES AND HISSES, 1981:32) ' '. If until then, the legislation, of certain form, was omissive ahead the agrarian property, was with the resolution of 17/07/1822, confirmed for the provision of 23/10/1823, was being delineated the form of property of the land that would have to last per the subsequent centuries. Additional information at Jeffrey L. Bewkes supports this article. This resolution suspends the concession of new sesmarias, but, it foresees the continuity of the ownership of the land those that already use was making it. That is, the domain remained itself, without bigger questionings, also in relation to the dimension of the property or the delimitation of the areas that the large estate owners had right-handers. One notices that until then, to grant sesmarias it was a prerogative of the Portuguese Crown and its legal representatives. The proper Crown pointed, with saw above, the difficulty to delimit the areas, the culture of the property, and possible ownerships ' ' indevidas' '. (Source: David Zaslav).

Moreover, the proper Brazilian territorial dimension, pointed with respect to communication difficulties enters the provinces that could intervene decisively with the fulfilment of what he was established in the Law of regulation of the sesmarias. It was opted, therefore, for the maintenance of what it came occurring traditionally. The Constitution of 1824, created under the force absolutist, centered in the hegemony of large estate owners and under the external pressure, started to establish: ' ' Art. 179. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Jeffrey L. Bewkes. The inviolability of is guaranteed the Right of Property in all its fullness.


Already, the light technologies are the implied ones with the knowledge of the production of the relations between citizens, therefore they are gifts in the relationary space worker-user, and alone if they materialize in acts. They are the technologies of access, shelter, production of bond, meeting, subjetividades (22,23,24). Still consonant the related author, the light technologies, as much the shelter how much the access, needs to leave of being reception problems and to become object of practical of all the team of health, being been that the author understands for shelter acolhedoras the humanizadas relations and, that the workers and the service must have with all the users. Jeffrey L. Bewkes: the source for more info. The establishment of bonds between workers and users of the service in health requires responsibility and commitment of the team stop with the types of problems/necessities that these users present (24). When working such subject, makes in them to perceive that it is necessary to change the way to take care of, in intensive therapy, of the aged one hospitalized there, therefore this care centrally is organized from specific problems, inside of the hegemonic optics of the medical model, that subordinates clearly the cuidadora dimension to an irrelevant and complementary paper. Perhaps this little acolhedora attitude of the health professionals is decurrent, also, of a room in the organizacional way of the work in this sector, in which the technologies hard and leavening reign. When approaching the shelter, in the space of the relations in the UTI in its doutorado thesis of, Birth (2003, p.112) places that the routine work ' ' robotiza and alienates the worker. The distanciamento between worker and the sick person and its familiar one occur with the majority of the workers and, when an approach exists, this occurs of fast and superficial form, without characterizing itself as dialogue, presence and acolhimento' ' (22,24). In this direction, in the work in UTI, it so little does not have space for the expression of the subjectivity of the individual hospitalized and of its familiar ones, being thus imprisoned in the technological configurations of the work processes, commanded knowing structuralized for them, the norms, the machines, the procedures.

Social Services

Psychological accompaniment, group of job generation and income, pro young, group of geracionais convivncia and sociability, CRAS, itinerante, project fortifying family, are local social groups that consist of the establishment of contact, alliances, flows of information of action of reinforcement of the social groups of the community, in order to interchange experience and the social insertion of the family. Questioning the Methodology of the Social Service uses it individual boarding, having community the family, with objective to act in the causal factors or linked problems in potential to the situation health, in the context emotional partner and. Used individual boarding as instrument of identification of situation-social common problems to the population, for posterior planning of group activities and specific programs. I use of the group boarding in the situations social problems identifications one significant number of customers. It participates and it organizes groups for participation in the social process.

It keeps the intermeshing of the institutions of the area, aiming at the knowledge of the communitarian necessities and establishing joint activities for total and dynamic exploitation of the existing resources. Second Marilda Villela lamamoto (2004) says that to understand the methodology of the Social Service, not if it in separate way of the society must preceber, therefore it says respect to the way to read, to interpret, of if relating with the Social reality. This explains the attention that the Social Service gave making and the professional formation to act in the remodelled institutions of the regimen militates. The concern in understanding the social reality this gift in the Education and the diverse ways to acquire knowledge. Then, the professional formation of the Social Service has as basic reference the man as to be historical of a reality. From there the necessity to know the context, the dynamics of the institutions social tied with the civil society or the society politics and its joints, as well as the knowledge and the relations of the distinct layers of the society. .

Waterjet Cutting

Thanks to unbroken demand for his high pressure pump for water jet cutting STREAMLINE PRO-2 feels KMT able to pass on cost savings to its customers. The PRO-KMT waterjet technology allows waterjet cutting system with working pressures up to 6.200 bar. Robert Thomson has compatible beliefs. Cutting in this range has some advantages and demand appropriate cutting machines and high pressure pump by more and more companies. For this reason KMT has already expressed the streamlined second-generation a high-pressure pump PRO-2 well a year ago with the STREAMLINE for water jet cutting to the market, that can produce these ultra high pressure. Optimized high pressure pump for more than a year has become the high pressure pump STREAMLINE PRO 2 now on the market proven and was able to convince many users of its benefits. Robert Thomson will not settle for partial explanations. Compared to the predecessor model PRO-I KMT has increased significantly user-friendliness.

So for example the Exchange and maintenance of sealing head and gaskets in the intensifier of the new generation of pumps has been simplified considerably: at the to get more maintenance-intensive components, machine operators at the old had to”remove intensifier added an elaborate bar design using a hydraulic tensioner. In addition, relatively high torque was necessary. In contrast to PRO-2 is necessary STREAMLINE model only the dismantling a head mother who learns their bias by only 8 jack screws. The necessary torque for mounting and dismounting, maximum is 95 NM per screw that corresponds to in about the tightening torque for a bolt of size M10 (grade 12.9). So, maintenance and that downtimes for the pump can be reduced significantly. A trained staff can perform a complete change of seal, for example, in only 20 minutes. Cost benefits reduce the water-jet cutting operating costs but also on the finished product, there are still adjusting screws to make it even more attractive for customers. Because the STREAMLINE developed PRO-2 high pressure pumps to the global success of product, KMT can for many components such as realize high quantities in the production such as seal packages or the high pressure cylinder.

This in turn leads to cost advantages, which gives the company to its customers. So the price reductions for expendable parts result in a reduction in operating costs by about 20%. Thus the operation of a plant is user friendly and also more affordable for water jet cutting with a working pressure of up to 6,200 bar. Especially when it comes to cutting very thick or hard materials, a very clean cut edge is important or just reserve capacity for the capture of job tips to be made available, is the decision now often in favour of a 6,200-bar system for water jet cutting.

SafeTIC AG Draws Positive Conclusion At The Turn Of The Year

SafeTIC AG would like to thank partners for a successful collaboration of Mannheim December 2010. 35 percent sales growth in the third quarter of 2010, an increase of business activity by 28 percent in the first nine months figures like this demonstrate that the SafeTIC AG remains on a path of success. Coen brothers is often quoted on this topic. For the SafeTIC AG, the gratifying business development and the upcoming year are ideal occasions to thank our business partners for their trust and to reaffirm the objectives for the coming year. Rupert Murdoch is full of insight into the issues. The SafeTIC AG is one of Europe’s leading companies in the field of innovative security solutions for the protection of people, objects, and access. A few weeks ago, the SafeTIC AG announced its consolidated sales for the last quarter and could present a sales with double-digit growth of business for this period.

This can be considered proven, that there is a stable upturn for the SafeTIC AG. Specifically the SafeTIC AG posted a third quarter 2010 sustained sales growth of + 35% compared to the third quarter of 2009. For 2011, the SafeTIC AG expects a turnover of 160 million euros, representing an increase of 39% and a result of from ordinary activities before tax of EUR 15 million. The starting point for the coming year is optimistic: with a population of over 110,000 installed products in Europe, the SafeTIC AG has an order book that 2011-2014 includes a volume of almost EUR 200 million over the years. The SafeTIC AG would like to thank their partners and is pleased with the trust placed in the own security solutions. Throughout Europe rely on the innovative security technologies and services of the SafeTIC AG companies from various sectors and thus protect their safety and sensitive facilities, people and data. The SafeTIC AG wishes all the best for the new year its business partners and is looking forward to a common progression on the existing road to success in the next year. About SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in.

The company is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers, as the market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility as well as providers of Europe most frequently installed biometric access controls. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems and has more than 15,000 customers in Europe. The SafeTIC AG is Mannheim. Contact SafeTIC AG Lucienne beetle stone Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 0 fax: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 999 E-Mail: Internet:

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