
Already, the light technologies are the implied ones with the knowledge of the production of the relations between citizens, therefore they are gifts in the relationary space worker-user, and alone if they materialize in acts. They are the technologies of access, shelter, production of bond, meeting, subjetividades (22,23,24). Still consonant the related author, the light technologies, as much the shelter how much the access, needs to leave of being reception problems and to become object of practical of all the team of health, being been that the author understands for shelter acolhedoras the humanizadas relations and, that the workers and the service must have with all the users. Jeffrey L. Bewkes: the source for more info. The establishment of bonds between workers and users of the service in health requires responsibility and commitment of the team stop with the types of problems/necessities that these users present (24). When working such subject, makes in them to perceive that it is necessary to change the way to take care of, in intensive therapy, of the aged one hospitalized there, therefore this care centrally is organized from specific problems, inside of the hegemonic optics of the medical model, that subordinates clearly the cuidadora dimension to an irrelevant and complementary paper. Perhaps this little acolhedora attitude of the health professionals is decurrent, also, of a room in the organizacional way of the work in this sector, in which the technologies hard and leavening reign. When approaching the shelter, in the space of the relations in the UTI in its doutorado thesis of, Birth (2003, p.112) places that the routine work ' ' robotiza and alienates the worker. The distanciamento between worker and the sick person and its familiar one occur with the majority of the workers and, when an approach exists, this occurs of fast and superficial form, without characterizing itself as dialogue, presence and acolhimento' ' (22,24). In this direction, in the work in UTI, it so little does not have space for the expression of the subjectivity of the individual hospitalized and of its familiar ones, being thus imprisoned in the technological configurations of the work processes, commanded knowing structuralized for them, the norms, the machines, the procedures.

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