Therefore the psychological aspect of the person would have to be including in the therapeutic boarding, mainly considering the chronicity and complexity of this disease. To emphasize the roll of the variablespsicolgicos in the excess of pesoy its treatment, does not diminish nor stops considering like determinants in the development of the same genetic, constitutional, metabolic, environmental the factors and social also generates that it. All this takes to us to share the following thing: Why to continue prescribing only plans of feeding, diets or regimes? What will be then what will be to prescribe so that the person really can learn to control the weight? Therapeutic education ; to put it another way, Control programs of Weight based on the integral reeducation of behaviors and style of life. The difficulty is that this is not the habitual thing, when had to be the habitual thing, and know you it very well by own experience. The own professionals of the health we divided with a limited vision of the reality (the dietista only feeding speech, the medical one only speaks of the disease, the psychologist only speaks of mental, and who speech of everything simultaneously). We Jailed in ” are one our responsibility and ethical professional not to have left; old esquemas” and to extend ours ” encuadre” of the reality. It is understood that the person with excess of pesono has to be conscious of all this joint of determinants, but also are their responsibility to be informed well to make intelligent elections at the time of learning to become thin eating Final Conclusion: It becomes thin Eating Already.
Not by more diets, you are going to arrive more far, I assure it to you. The more diets you make, the more difficult will be to learn to you to control the weight. The paradox to learn to control your weight, is that you have yourself to forget first to make diets and, secondly, to lower only weight. You have to extend your glance, you have to see the forest and not only the tree. And there it is essential that the professional method that also helps you leaves from an ample perspective of the reality. If you want to secure different results, you will have to make things different, although they go against your beliefs. And you are more powerful than your old woman beliefs.
You do not allow that they dominate to you. In order to know more on the matter in How To become thin Eating Without Being to Diet, already participates free in the NutriSpa Program Thinning & Dr. Thin.