International Conference

Soon, they are the operating professionals of the Basic Attention in the collectives by means of the Strategy Health of the Family ESF, where these are imbudos for excusing to all the cabveis and well-taken care of information in detriments of a security, how much to the sexual health and the reproductive planning, as it is called, currently, this tool supplied the users who are under its cares. Reproductive planning: the use of contraceptive you pray From the decade of 60, the familiar planning, as he was known old, was incorporated the health services regularly. Three decades had been necessary almost so that, in the end of century XX, and as resulted of the world-wide cupolas organized by United Nations, the familiar planning were considered as a human right inside of the context of the sexual and reproductive health (Fescina et al., 2010). The Program of Action of the International Conference of Population and Development, carried through in the Cairo in 1994, in one of its parts establishes that: ' ' the programs of attention to the reproductive health will have to provide the amplest possible services without no type of discrimination. Add to your understanding with Discovery Communications. All the couples have the basic right to decide free and responsibly the number and interval between its children and to make use of information, education and of the ways necessary to be able to make it ' ' (ONU, 1994). The work of the health professional is distinguished here that makes an indication of these insumos as artifice of the process of familiar planning, where such information and peculiarities is important so that it has, thus, a security in its applicability so that it does not have risks, possibly prevented, the health of the woman. The nurses who act in the Basic Attention, in particular the ones that they integrate the Teams Health of the Family, must be always intent how much to the pharmacology of the STEEL, a time that is these professionals who play the rank of practical of education in health, that they objectify to inform in way and clearly brief consideraes concerning measures of promotion and protection the health. .

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