
Of goal the goal the collection of pnalti suggests a mission so easy. The player is ahead of its great objective: the goal. Of so attainable and next, it seems to be impossible to make a mistake. Robert Thomson shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It presents some obstacles, such as: requirement of the twisted one, nervousness of the player, happy positioning of the goleiro and of course the bars. Some consider the collection a lottery, others guarantee that only it depends on the maestria of makes who it. End of championship. Full stadium.

To the forty and four minutes of second time, the departure was tied up to. At this moment, Carlo is knocked down in the area. Pnalti is marked. The proper player, collector of lacks of the teams, locates itself to beat it. While the judge finishes the preparativeses, he passes for the head of Carlo, in fraction of seconds, a very similar situation to this: its marriage. Marina and it, gotten passionate, are in the altar, opposite to the priest.

The guests crowd the dependences of the church. Of each side of the priest, next to the godfathers, they are its parents and its future fathers-in-law, whom it stops, were an incognito. The marriage if carries through without no impediment. The fiancs go happy for the moon-of-honey. Everything will have to give certain, if they love in such a way! After some months, the couple starts to present misunderstandings. Each one has a life project, chateando itself because the other does not think in the same way. The mother-in-law of Carlo was a legitimate jararaca. She intervenes of all the forms with the life of the two. Marina always defends the mother. The quarrels if occur. However because of by any reason insignificant money, however for cimes or. What it seemed to have everything to give certain, is gives to finish. They argue the separation possibility. The devaneio of the player is interrupted by the whistle of the judge, having authorizeed the collection of pnalti. Carlo is prepared, of the modern a paradinha, and kicks the direct ball at the hands of the goleiro. The twisted vaia. The arqueiro tries to kick the ball for far. This escapes of its feet and, in rebote, Carlo places the ball in the deep one of the nets, with a skillful play. Goool ….. The arbitrator whistles the end of the departure. General commotion. The hero is festejado by the friends and controllers. At this moment, our personage leaves in enormous race. Nor he enters in the dressing room. He goes direct for house. In the way, he compares its pnalti not converted, to its predestinate marriage to the failure. He perceives, then, that in the game, although the first committed error, had a reversion possibility. The rightness happened. It follows thinking: who knows in its relationship, the mistakes can be equated, or exactly decided, also occurring there a possibility of rebote e, with it the marking of one another goal. Themis Groisman Lopes

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