Terrestrial Crust

the proper same beings that if communicate if assign for the name of Espritos or Gnios to itself, declaring, some, at least, to have belonged the men who had lived in the Land. They compose the world spiritual, as we constitute the corporal world during the terrena life. – Allan Kardec The options of the man after the physical death, could be systemize in three situations: 1) To continue in the Terrestrial Crust: applicable option the Espritos extremely on to the physical life, many times without the least if to give account of that already they had made its ticket. This could occur for reasons such as: Feelings of hatred and revenge; Extreme attachment the places and people; Vcius for alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sex; Material attachment and the businesses; Lack of knowledge and total ignorance of its new state. 2) Threshold: It is not uncommon, vicious brothers, to be led for brothers who still remain in the evil, or for one> automatic magnetism for regions of the Threshold and to remain until the desire there and to repair the past and the repentance modifies its form to think. 3) Colony Spiritual: Place where the brothers with some level of knowledge and rise go to combine it the Extra-Physics Life. In accordance with the Esprita Doctrine, the main purposes of the communicability of the Espritos are: 1) Clarification, Instruction and 2 Orientation) Aid the Espritos in suffering 3) To contribute in the moral improvement of mdium 1) Clarification, Instruction and Orientation: Kardec clarifies that the mediunidade today assumes the role that had assumed, in the past, two great discoveries, the telescope and the microscope. The first one would have to supply to the man concernentes information to macrocosmo and as detailing, the infinitely small world, the microcosms. It fits to the mediunidade to study the Psicocosmo, the world of the Espritos.

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