Synchronization Rsync

One of the frequent accusations that happens to listen to the administrators of Linux from your Windows-colleagues – is the lack of graphical administrative tools Linux-systems. For most of us, it does not critical, as we have long grasped all the subtleties of the configuration files located in the directory / etc. Nevertheless, we are pleased to announce that GAdmin-Rsync reveals a new front in the campaign for the introduction of GUI-facilities in the world of system administration. rsync – (angl.Remote Synchronization) is a program for unix systems which synchronizes files and directories in two places to minimize the traffic using the encoding of the data when needed. An important difference between rsync from many other programs / protocols is that mirroring is performed by a single thread in each direction (instead of one or more threads for each file).

rsync can copy or display directory contents and copy files, optionally using compression and recursion. In fact, GAdmin-Rsync – a graphical frontend for the command rsync, also includes support for scp, and ssh, and the creation of spare copies from remote servers and remote servers. Installation is simple, and except for the rsync, dependency is almost no. Here is attached a script that simplifies all operations in excess of the minimum gentlemen – configure & & make & & make-install a lot of time it will not take. GAdmin-Rsync will take you through the initial backup, asking the few simple questions through the wizard. From here you can set the launch Cron jobs and add other sets to copy.

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