State Time

Inside of this estimated we believe that the meaning of its production still can be pointed in the fact of it to have cleared that one that would be the main way of investigation of the current gegrafos that are the different questions related between the man the culture and the natural way. For what it was boarding for Ratzel in its workmanship, she is clear that its concerns if did not limit the simple relations of dependence between the man and the way, in which if originated the classic slongan ' ' the Man is a product of meio' ' , characterizing thus a traditional geography, would break up descriptive e, where the nature would start to assume the role of the citizen of the actions and the man of object. In the Ratzel truth if it worried more than about something what the mere one nature a time that same if the return for the different ones complexity social such as, ' ' The races human beings, one treated antropolgico/etnogrfico' ' , the same it acted in the areas of quarrels of sciences politics approaching subject as the State, of the relations of borders, or war, among others. Ahead of the displayed one we can conclude that although the Ratzel to be centered in the geographic context, its theoretical project is to interdisciplinar, a time that its central concern age to understand the diffusion of the peoples for the terrestrial, problematic surface that, according to proper it, it would articulate history, etnologia and geography in one same quarrel; For (SAUER, 2003, p.20) the work, of Ratzel it made solid the conceptual base in which if the great father of the ambientalismo has structuralized since then Geography Human being becoming, a time that its followers had disrespected in very its posterior cultural studies, in which it mentioned itself to population mobility, the conditions of human nesting and the diffusion of the culture through the main ways of comunicao.' ' In France, in the start of century XX, the studies around the culture were established by Paul woollen Vidal Blache, having the same elaborating the concept of sort of life.

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