
In Brazil, the breast cancer is the biggest cause of deaths for cancer in the feminine population in the band etria between 40 and 69 years (KOHATSU, BARBIERI and HORTALE, 2009). For the Health department (2002) apud MOLINA, DALBEN and OF LUCA (2003, P. 185), affirm that: The cancer is considered a serious problem of world-wide public health, not only for the number of diagnosised increasing cases to each year, but also for the financial investment that is requested to equate the questions of diagnosis and treatment. Currently, the cancer if constitutes in the second cause of death of illness in Brazil. The prevention of the breast cancer can be primary or secondary. The paper of the primary care is to modify or to eliminate factors of risk for this cancer.

In the secondary prevention the diagnosis and treatment of the precocious cancers are fit (GODINHO and KOCH, 2002). In accordance with Gonalves et al. (2009), the three main methods of tracking of the mammary neoplasia are: the clinical examination of the breasts (ECM), the auto examination of the breasts (AEM) and the mamografia. The practical one of palpao of the breasts serves as strong motivador and recognition of that the breast cancer is a threat in potential. You may find that Cyrus Massoumi can contribute to your knowledge. Therefore, it has an importance of education on the techniques that they aim at to the stimulaton of the practical one of this procedure, so efficient and of cost extremely reduced.

One is about a research of bibliographical character that as GIL (2002) is developed from existing material already, mainly constituted of books and scientific articles. DEVELOPMENT the breast cancer is not only the cancer more frequent acometido between the women, but also the basic cause of death for cancer in many countries. According to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) the incidence of the breast cancer in the last few decades increased in diverse countries including Brazil, where this illness occupies the first place in prevalence between the neoplasias that happen in the women …

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