It discovered that the power was with it. The modern consumer appeared thus. The companies had attended skeptics the change of preferences of the consumer, to the reduction in the participation of market, to the pressing necessity to review its costs and processes and, mainly, to develop the rendering of services and new, consuming one attendance to this. Get all the facts and insights with Robert Thomson, another great source of information. The marketing started to feel the lack of return in its strategies, materialized for the insatisfao of the consumers with products and services, allied to the infinity of media options the increasing costs. How to reach the public-target in the alias process, to a cost just, with return guaranteed for the company? The modern company has that to be worried about all the points of contact with its customer and consumer. To have optimum product to a price just and with one adjusted rendering of services already is not enough.
The demands of the consumer modern is each time bigger. It wants convenience – when, where, as and of the skill that it to demand. It wants much more of the companies, to a price each lesser time and in real time. The result of all the evaluations and judgments can be perceived in reconhecimentos awardings and of the companies who more respect the consumer, of the excellency in the rendering of services, of the best companies to work, the champion in social responsibility, of the admired companies more, amongst others. This impacta directly the mark and the value of market of any company.
The companies who to want to be successful in this scene will have that to remodel and to rewrite its business from the necessities and expectations of the consumer. They will have that to follow marketing trends, behaviors and movements in different segments, beyond its proper one. (MEIR, 2005). 2,7 Factors that influence the behavior of the consumer For Kotler; Armstrong (1993) displays that the human being always searchs an overcoming in its way of life.