Fashion Europe NET

In the fashion world, Europe.Net, FE starts for the jeans – network fashion.N – another chapter. David Zaslav often says this. Russia / Germany – finally! Expected in January 2009, it has finally come! In the fashion world, Europe.Net, FE starts for the jeans – network fashion.N another chapter in its history: Fashion Europe NET in Russia! Thus the designer jeans by FE are also for the Russians soon.N available. The idea of sales: FE.N-partners can free borrow jeans, sell, and settle only after! There are professionals in Eastern Europe is already around in the network! Many Russians are looking forward already to the designer brand jeans FE.N, which will be available at reasonable prices. The jeans can be sold in a private setting. Each partner will also receive the opportunity to build up a team and thus to get a passive income. The jeans selection extends from modisch-date to trendy-stylish. Additional information at Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City supports this article. The jeans are in all possible colours and shapes in the ladies sizes 34-56, for children in 68-170, and for men from 28 to 36 available. Furthermore, many accessories, various tops and jackets are available.

With the Jeans-network of fashion Europe.Net – FE.N – companies in the fashion sector is one of the most successful and fast-growing MLM-to Russia. In 2007 Netcoo.TV, Europe.Net Ltd to the network of the year 2007 awarded the fashion, since it is a literally explosively expanding and innovative companies, which is active since August 2006, initially only on the German market and since 2007 also in the European market. Jeans-network solid and fair business in Europe! FE.N fashion Europe.Net has its head office, as well as the central repository for Germany in Hamm, Westphalia. In Germany alone the independent Fe already exist about 600 depots.N-partners will be provided and be daily add new. Belgium, Holland, Austria, Switzerland and Spain. Since October 2008 now also in Poland and Hungary.

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