You can also mention the case of Lesvos Sofo, poet, teacher of women in arts and letters, and the fact they had sex with some of them, has been named to the sexual option called lesbianism. But apart from anecdotal evidence, of vital importance because it identifies this movement with women since ancient times, the theoretical Feminism begins with inputs on the visibility of women and the reporting of misogyny, with percussive Chistine of this movement Pizan, in the s. XV-XVI, and Marie de Gournay in the XVI .- XVII, but these ideas do not die with them and Calabar in the society of his time, because they still accounted for its role in private and only in private, although as a ferment occult has permeated the future generations of women, and their work has endured through the ages. The first feminism as now known, was born in s. Century with figures such as Olympe de Gouges who wrote the "Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen" (1791) which calls for the need for equality between men and women, or Mary Wollstonecraftt with his book "A Vindication of the Rights of Women "(1792) with the spirit of equality and emancipation.
To properly situate the issue of women today, our starting point of the Enlightenment. The fundamental ideas, which are cornerstones behind this movement are: the defense of the equality of all citizens and citizens, reason and the importance of education as a means of liberation of the human subject. Equality and Education, the main axes of modern thought. But this equality, based on reason and education, does not apply to women, because they were mere spectators of the revolution in thought, they were not allowed to enter this new world, this important change in mentality. Some, they got a unique way, but it was the exception. At this time the penalty is a woman who attends to all the housework and care of the sons and daughters to liberate men from the concerns and tasks of the private sector to devote himself exclusively to the public. He continued playing the role assigned for centuries. This explosion of ideas that freed man from slavery was not enough.