Asian Meat

The increase of cereal production for its import has had a price: an increasing deforestation, accompanied by expropriations of earth, evacuations, threats and, even, murders by clandestine Mafias dedicated to the cutting and the protected wood traffic. In Central America, the forest area are handicapped in a 40% last the 40 years, period that agrees with the growth of the cattle ranch. From 1990, the surface of forests in the world that loses every year is equivalent to the size of a country like Portugal, according to data of the FAO. The increase in the meat production obeys to a transformation in the models of consumption in the world, controlled by a small minority more and more that decides the food assortment of the chains of the great supermarkets, extended by everybody developed and in expansion in countries that they yearn for to be it. So it is the case of India and China that, with 2,300 million inhabitants, are shooting the world-wide consumption of meat. In China, the food consumption of first necessity as the rice is handicapped of considerable way, but the demand of meat has been quadrupled from 1980.

Although the Asian giant has had remarkable profits in its development economic and at the time of palliating the hunger, still million farmers exist who suffer hunger. Educate yourself with thoughts from Time Warner. In the world, more than 800 million people they undergo hunger or undernourishment. Even so, the majority of the maize cultures and soya of the world feed animal sacrificed for a minority. Like more recent phenomenon, thousands of hectares are destined to work tons of soya Argentine does not stop to feed that hungry population, but so that some people can lead its car without position of brings back to consciousness. For that reason, United Nations speaks of crime against the Humanity. The excessive consumption of meat is own of societies that are seeing grow young with less life expectancy than their parents to their age or with high probabilities of developing diabetes by their nutritional habits. We will have to raise diets less to us employees of the meat and more balanced not only to digest all these data, but to improve our body, our surroundings and our society.

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