Upper Egypt

Residents of Fayum villages were diluted large and small cattle. Grain stored in pits. In Upper Egypt, about the same time, the tribes lived Pastoralist farmers who have left memorials tosiyskoy culture. These tribes cultivated wheat and barley, bred small ruminants, and produced vessels of clay, which kept their inventories. At the next higher stage of development, were tosiyskie tribes culture Badori (Late V-early iv millennium BC). They bred not only small but also cattle. Crop barley and wheat were stored in rooms smeared with clay.

Used such methods of extraction, such as hunting and fishing. In the second half of the 4- in geyzeysky period has become almost universally used system of agriculture based on irrigation. If you would like to know more about Glenn Dubin, then click here. Mud houses showed a strong residency, and the reduction of weapons in graves on the final displacement of hunting cattle. Changed the nature and size of the trade. If you would like to know more then you should visit CBS. Systematic trading takes international dimension, there are in Egypt and brought things. An example is the Mesopotamian cylinder seals. Also undergoing fundamental changes in social culture. Dimensions of graves allows us to understand that the community has already started income inequality.

An example could serve as leaders buried with luxury. During this period there slavery. Slaves are the result of military clashes between the tribes and clans. In conditions of low-level farming was not profitable to take prisoners. Creation of artificial irrigation, which gives high yields, resulting in there is a need in the workforce, increased the value of human labor, and provided an opportunity to use the labor of prisoners.

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