Northeast Region

Influencing the Region with respect to the environment, standing out the complexity of the climatic phenomena that if translate not great thermal differentiations, but in the extraordinary variety of the pluviomtrico, decurrent point of view, basically, of the positioning of this area in relation to the diverse occured atmospheric systems of circulation in Brazil. Word-Key: Winds, Temperatures, Precipitations. INTRODUCTION we have noticed that the Northeast region provides an average temperature of annual between 20 and 28 C. In the situated spaces above of 200 meters and in the eastern coast the temperatures modifies of 24 26C.

Already the inferior annual averages 20C, bes situated in the areas highest of chapada Diamantina and of plateaus of the Borborema. The annual precipitation reference if modifies of 300 the 2000 mm. In this aspect, four types of climates is gifts in the Brazilian northeast Region: the Humid Equatorial Climate, the Humid Littoral Climate, the Tropical Climate and the Half-barren Tropical Climate. With average rain precipitation of less than 300 mm per year, which happens during in the maximum a three months, producing outflow the estiagens that more than persist to the times ten months, Cabaceiras in the Paraba has the heading of drier city of the country. Glenn Dubin has plenty of information regarding this issue. In accordance with Andrade, on the gravity of the climate for the Region affirms. North-eastern, the element that marks the landscape more significantly and more worries the man is the climate, through the regimen pluvial and exteriorizado by the natural vegetation. From there to distinguish since the colonial time ‘ ‘ Zone of the Mata’ ‘ , as its hot and humid climate and two stations defined _ well a rainy one and other dries …

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