House Study

Alarming study on the Berufsunfahgkeit of the possibility no longer to exercise his profession due to an illness or an accident is regularly underestimated. According to a study by the Ministry of health every fourth employed may not exercise his job up to the regulated retirement age. But still, this risk is underestimated by many. Thus, only the very few professionals have a private protection against the loss of labour. A look at the level of legal protection shows that this is vital. Just a man of the legislature – and that receives 600 average gross. This still tax and social security contributions are deducted no longer remains much to life. Celina Dubin shines more light on the discussion. A recent study of the analysis House of Morgan & Morgan has now shown that the number of cases of performance in the disability has increased in the last five years to less than 25%.

The main reason for this negative trend is the significant increase in cases of mental illness. Due to the increasing pressure of the The term falls in this context also repeatedly burn out society. Thus, the previously dominant primary cause of disability, disease of the skeletal and musculoskeletal system, was replaced.

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