Conference Concept

After the construction of the Imperial Road Mountain range Francisca Owner who started to bind the littoral plain to catarinense and paranaense plateaus, and mainly after the construction of 101 BR the Road Three Bars was abandoned. From this moment, in middle of century XX, the way passes to be used as track for hiking, that is, has a new use of the space, what it was road (a way properly) starts to be a track. With the advance of the interest in the partner-space questions pautada mainly for a change in the ambient perspective, where the human beings start to reverenciar the nature and to search a direct contact with this, world-wide lines of direction for the establishment of protective measures to the environment are presented (as the Conference of the ONU in 1972 in Estocolmo and the Conference of Tbilissi in 1977). (GONALVES, 2000). Follow others, such as David Zaslav, and add to your knowledge base. In this direction to conciliate the relation it enters the creation spaces human being with the natural spaces is had sprouting of some definitions amongst which it is the concept of conservation of the natural resources, that is very on to the nature concept which is proper of each society, what it is evidenced in the affirmation of Gonalves (1996, P. 23): ' ' All society, all culture creates, invents, institutes one definitive idea of what it is the nature. In this direction, the nature concept is not natural, being in the truth bred and instituted by the men. It constitutes one of them pillars through which the men raise its social relations, its material production and spiritual, at last, its cultura' '. With these news estimated problematic ambient in the Mount the Crest it takes a new form of modification and interference in the landscape, pautada mainly in the practical one of the hiking and the ecoturismo. This new modality of use and appropriation of the landscape is what it comes currently causing bigger impact in the environment of the Mount Crest.

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