For in such a way it is essential that the adults, parents and all the pertaining to school team, stimulate and practise action of respect on children and stimulate them it to argue rules that could be created to be fulfilled in the collective convivncia, for adults and children, as well as they reflect and they argue with the children the ethical questions that they aim at to construct a democratic, solidary and acolhedor environment. Since Citizenship and Democracy if do not learn without practising them, and the space adjusted for the exercise of this practical is family and the school, therefore this practical action guarantees the efetivao of the values and consecrated principles of the pertaining to school education in the legislaes, and for such a pedagogia is necessary that prioritizes the participation and the shared responsibility and that it aims at the practical one to fulfill to the duty and the social inclusion of the right. Hear from experts in the field like Rupert Murdoch for a more varied view. Therefore to have a safe place he is necessary that the child has freedom, respect and dignity, established for the Statute of the Child and Adolescente (ECA). The existence of bullying and the disrespect goes total against this right. Learn more about this topic with the insights from David Zaslav. Article 17 of the Law n. 8,069/90 (ECA) defines that right to the respect consists of the inviolability of the physical, psychic and moral integrity of the child and the adolescent, enclosing the preservation of the image, the identity, the autonomy, of the values, ideas and beliefs, of the personal spaces and objects. Therefore, to surpass the culture of the authoritarianism, to know and to respect the differences and to dialogue with them to fortify the construction of interpersonal relations and the pedagogical project can be an alternative to minimize the pain of who suffer to the consequncias caused for the o bullying.
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